Attorney question

on 11/4/07 11:36 pm - IN

does anyone know what type of attorney one would seek out if their minor daughter was "groped", "fondled" by an intern at  a hospital?? We have been through her doing a deposition with CPS. We have been contacted and told that the intern has an attorney.

on 11/5/07 12:18 am

Hi!  Hope things are going well for you re: WLS.

would CPS not represent her?

on 11/5/07 12:28 am - IN
they are buut not in a lawsuit agianst him and the hospital.
on 11/5/07 12:32 am - IN
cps is the ones that asked if we had an attorney and told us he has one. i think she was thinking more of us having one for a lawsuit against him and the hospital.
Cindy P.
on 11/5/07 12:35 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hi.  I had a friend with a similar situation.  You do not need an attorney unless you are filing a civil suit against the hospital or intern.  The police will handle any criminal case.

on 11/5/07 12:45 am - IN
Thats what we have been told also. This happened 2 weeks ago and the Indy police dept. has been notified, but we havent heard anything from them yet.
vicki S.
on 11/5/07 1:33 am - indianapolis, IN

Annette C.
on 11/5/07 4:22 am - Danville, IN
Check the yellow pages for a personal injury attorney or call the Indiana Trial Lawyers Association for a referral.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

Lee Ann B.
on 11/5/07 9:24 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
I have Dan Cravens (out of Indy) handling a personal injury case for myself. His assistant's name is Brooke. Call her and see if he might meet with you. He specializes in personal injury.

on 11/5/07 9:41 pm - IN
That is where Im stuck, Im not sure if this is a personal injury case???
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