Happy Monday!

LaChelle R.
on 11/4/07 7:57 pm - Erie, PA
Good Monday morning all.  This morning I am having to deal with a cantankerous keyboard!!!  I guess keyboards don't like grapefruit juice!! lmao! Oh well, I will get it cleaned up! It is going to be a great day today, I am going to make sure of that! Hope yours is as well!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/4/07 8:11 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning everyone!

Not alot new here. I did try to sleep in our bed last night. NOT a good idea. Every time Bill rolled over, I thought it was going to bounce me out of bed (it's a 85% motionless waterbed..gotta watch out for that other 15%!)! Then he kept wanting to put his arm around me. After about 6 weeks of not sleeping with him, I would had loved that, but his arm kept wanting to go around the tummy area...not good with me having this nice big hole in my tummy! I felt like I had to stay on constant alert! And no people, Bill does NOT know how his 'cuddling' affected me so shhhh. About 4 this morning, I gave up and fought to get out of the bed and went back to the recliner. The 2 hours I got there was more restful than the 6 in bed. I think the diarea is trying to improve a little bit. Any amount is good! My tummy is still pretty active & noisy. It made sure it sang a song for Brenda and Floyd yesterday..lol. Unless it gets low on the right side by my appendix or low by my bladder, it doesn't hurt anymore at least...just feels strange. But then, it feels strange when they change the bandage and have to put any pressure on my tummy to remove/place the tape that holds on the bandage. I can really tell that my intestines are 'right there'. I haven't taken any vicodin since I've been home though. Like I said, not really 'painful' just really strange feeling. I hope everyone has a good Monday. I think I'm going to try to get my bills caught up & maybe open up some of my mail. Bill has a huge bag of mail for me...a month's worth. Huggs! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/4/07 11:07 pm - New Whiteland, IN
Happy Monday All! i have been gone and not on the boards alot lately. Jon suprised me and took me to Caesars Indiana for the weekend and we had a great time. I love the Goldfish slots and play pennies just for fun. It was alot of fun and a totally beautiful weekend for the trip. We stayed overnight in Corydon and Jon got me a whirlpool suite. I love soaking in a whirlpool and it is such a treat for me. I stay in till I am all pruny and weak as a noodle! lol We drove back on Sunday and then I did more laundry than I ever thought possible! :o) Our sweeper broke so......Mr. Fryar is going to shopping for a new one today. I am so hard on them! Sheesh! We buy one about every 2 years.....I can't stand a dirty floor so I vacuum every night when I get home if Jon hasn't done it before I get there. I have a busy month planned .....I am going to my girlfriends in northern Indiana this weekend. she just got out of the hospital and needs some help around the house so a couple of days should help her out. Then back home for a week and then off to my parents to stay with Mom while Dad has his second knee replacement surgery...that is the week of Thanksgiving so....I hope to make it home for dinner with Jon for Thanksgiving and hopefully by Saturday I can be home again...then it is my 2 daughtes birthdays ......I am exhausted thinking about it already...lol I still tire easily since surgery but am getting longer endurance all the time. :o) Well I am off here to work so you all have a fantastic day! So good Sherri to see you home! Hang in there sweetie ! Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 11/4/07 8:39 pm, edited 11/4/07 8:39 pm - LaGrange, KY

Good Morning!!

LaChelle, are you feeling any better??

Sherri, I'm glad that you got some rest!!

I'm up bright and early this morning, hehehe. I fell asleep at like 9:30ish last night I was sooo tired and didn't take my nap yesterday because Rich got taken to the hospital from work because the poor guy pulled his back out. He's feeling pretty rough, but they gave him some medications that helped him get some sleep. In fact he is still snoring right now.

Overall I'm feeling alright! Gotta get up and going soon to get up to St V's, fun stuff..

I'm just curious, someone said we need  good thorough labs checked every 3-6 months for the first year and I'm 3 months out and nothings been mentioned bout labs so IDK when they would run them but I really need them I think. Does my surgeon run them? Since my PCP doesn't know much or anything really about WLS do I have to take him a list and get him to run them? I asked someone else and they said their surgeon run em so I was just wondering.

on 11/4/07 9:10 pm - Indianapolis, IN


Since your pcp isn't very knowledgeable about WLS, I would talk with Dr. Cacucci about it today. Dr. Gupta always orders TONS of tests anually. My pcp did the quarterly checks that first year though.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 11/4/07 11:14 pm - Erie, PA
All I can say, Misty, is that I am sitting upright.......still no better tho. Thanks for asking.  This medicine is making me so weak and light-headed that my ears and eyes are throbbing........my temples ache just to touch them.........and my nose is trying to climb off my face, like the kleenex commercial a few years ago!!!  I really am a sight to see!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/4/07 8:43 pm - indianapolis, IN
on 11/4/07 8:47 pm - LaGrange, KY
Hehe getting "NEW" clothes is great isn't it? I've found quite a few things that didn't fit me at all or not the way I would feel comfortable wearing it preop and now half of it won't fit me because its too big. It's just crazy! Keep up the good work.
on 11/4/07 11:04 pm
Good Morning All, I hate cold weather!!!  I'm just not ready for it to be winter again.  I vote we cancel winter this year and move right into Spring!!! Sherri...Glad to hear you're doing better today.  I just knew you'd heal faster once you were at home where you could do things your way and be more comfortable.  Keep up the good work girlfriend!!! Misty and LaChelle...Now you know why we all love Goodwill and our clothing exchanges!    You will go through clothes faster than you can buy them.  I know Floyd and I both actually skipped some sizes completely.  I got my feelings hurt  all the time when "friends" at work would tell me I looked like crap in something because it was too big.  I know they thought they were giving me a compliment but they just didn't understand that most people just can't afford to replace their wardrobe every couple weeks.  We were thrilled when we moved to Indy and found the Hoosier losers and were invited to a clothing exchange.  Out first one was Jan 2007 and we were just beside ourselves to think that so many people were there just giving clothes away. Gotta go, late for training. Have a great day everyone.


on 11/5/07 5:49 am - Osage Beach, MO
Hello Everyone I just wanted to say that I really appreicate all of you posting about the things that happen to you or that you go through before and after surgery--my surgery is scheduled for Janurary 22nd with Dr Inman and the info I get here is TOP NOTCH!!!  Even the little things you all post about help me out--like holding a pillow on your stomach after surgery if you laugh or cough or errr umm pass gas.  I don't post much because I fell like I don't know you all due to the fact I live in Missouri but I can say that you all are so much more helpful and kinder than the people on the Missouri board---they have like a lil click and if you post something and aren't in their click you won't get a response.  I just wanted to say THANK YOU for posting and helping anyone and everyone who posts with a question.  I sooo want to meet you all and attend the clothing exchange in Janurary but I don't think it'll be possible, I'll be in Carmel at St V's for my pre op class on Janurary 3rd and Medical Clearance with Dr Brooks on the 4th but I don't think I'll have time to meet you all and I absolutely do NOT know my way around there lol.  (almost ran out of gas last time looking for a gas station)  Hopefully one of these days I'll get to meet you all, you all seem so nice and kind and caring (maybe I should move to Indiana lol). OK enough of my babbling but thanks again for posting!!! Always, ~Angie!
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