Hi I am a newbie
Hi my name is Shanna and I have been reading everybody's post for about a month now. I finally have set up my page and am ready to post. Whew waht an ordeal. The avatar is giving me problems though. I am down 12 pounds beggining month 2 of my pcp 6 month diet. Every one on here is giving me such great support. I wish I would of found OH earlier. shanna
Welcome to the board. And yes, this is the greatest bunch of people. You will find that we can be your greatest cheerleaders....but if you need a nudge in the right direction, we will give it at times too. You're doing great with your 6 month diet! Congrats! With your avatar, just make sure your picture is no more than 100 x 100 pixels and not more that 20 k in memory. A photo editor program should help you do this. Oh...and the more square it is, the better your pic will turn out. If you need help with thi**** 'contact' below my post and I'll send you my email addy for you to send the pic you want to use to. I'll get it to the right size & send it back to you. Sherri
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...