lorri V.
on 11/3/07 2:18 pm - Seymour, IN
Good morning fellow Hoosiers, it's now 12:08 AM. Just wanted to see if there are any more night owls up? I have at least 3 more hours to go before my insomnicaic
body goes to bed and catches a few zzzz's I have a sleeping aid (Trazodone 3oo MG) and my body fights it. Dr's not to worried about it. Enough of this fiddle faddle. Hope everyone has a wonderful day. DON'T FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK AN HOUR TONIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED. Love & Hugs.

on 11/3/07 4:41 pm - Richmond, IN

Im up!!!  I hate this time change thing.  I wish IN would have stayed the way it was a few yrs ago.  I liked that so much better. 

Im at work tonight...been surfing online sometime now.    I have to spend an extra hr at work tonight...which really sucks big time becouse Ive been surviving on only 3 hrs of sleep each day for the past 4 days.  If something doesnt give soon Im going to crash in the next week....probably my days off...I hate wasting my days off in bed when I have so much work at home that needs done.  Maybe I should come borrow some of your trazadone...LOL.  Actually I still have some sleeping pills my dr gave me when I had surgery and I never took them...They are a yr old...wonder if they are bad yet...maybe I will look for them this week and pitch them...I bet they are outdated by now.  Im just not a pill taker...never have been.

 This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes

This is my favorite online site for shopping



(deactivated member)
on 11/3/07 9:46 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Good morning. It's an hour earlier than I intended to get up, thank you Mitch Daniels for the time change. Hehe. I have to work all day today at Sears, an 8 hour shift. Ugh. But it will be worth it. I had to trade hours with someone so I could go on a trip this coming weekend. A friend invited me to go with her to DC to the Holocaust Museum, with her honors class from the university. I'm excited about that. Not excited about spending 8 hours today in the mall though. Oh well, what can you do?  P.S. I have trouble falling asleep sometimes too. I take ambien for it. It works great for me. 
LaChelle R.
on 11/3/07 10:13 pm - Erie, PA
Good Morning all! I, too, am up way to early.......but only because of my DD Mariah.  She is in desparate need of a new mattress on her bed. Last night she came into my room crying because of her mattress hurting her back.  It is an old bunk-bed mattress that has the springs in the mattress itself.  The springs have started coming thru the top, and that is hurting her back.  I totally understand, and said that she could sleep with me last night.  Of course, I have a queen size bed, BUT I sure didn't feel like it. It felt more like 1/2 of a twin! LOL  She is definatly a bed hog! LOL  Now, today I have to see if I can find a twin mattress for her bed. I don't have any $$$ to spare, so I will have to do with what I can find.   Hope everyone has a good day. The girls and I will be going to church afterwhile, and then heading to Jasper for the afternoon. Let Jimmy get some rest that way......since he didn't get much sleep either thanks to Mariah! LOL Have a great one! TTYL!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/3/07 11:36 pm - LaGrange, KY

Hey if nothing else try for your area, some people get rid of practically brand new stuff. There was someone on the Seymour one not long ago who was giving away mattresses that still had the plastic on them.


LaChelle R.
on 11/3/07 11:39 pm - Erie, PA
I have already posted on both the Orange county and the Mitchell freecycle boards! I hope to find something sometime today! Thanks tho! Headed to church now, so have a good day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 11/3/07 11:25 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning everyone!

I hope everyone's day is starting off good.




Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/3/07 11:46 pm, edited 11/3/07 11:47 pm - LaGrange, KY
Good Morning y'all!!! I'm still very sleepy but need to be up and at it for the day to get some things done, I may just take another nap like I did yesterday afternoon. My body is just super tired lately and I think some of it is because I've had these constant colds/infections and stuff one on top of another!!! I think my allergy/asthma doc is going to run an Immune system work up on me  to check and see if we can figure out why I'm not able to fight anything off!  I'm going to see Dr C tomorrow to get the drainage stuff checked and my gtube restitched because the stitches have come so loose the tube is able to move in and out so she said that the balloon isn't secure against the wall anymore, which could be part of whats causing  my pain and discomfort. Plus to make sure that it's normal drainage since it's turning ugly colors, and not infection. Also she said she might take this long tube out and give me a button G tube. I think thats an improvement? I don't know much bout it. I did manage to get most of my cleaning done this weekend, thank goodness!!! I've got a mostly clean house again!! I'm excited. It's a much happier place for me now LOL. We've got so much to get rid of. hehe. Do y'all think I'd be crazy to have a yard sale next weekend?? It'll be a lil cool I'm sure but I need to get rid of all this clutter. I'm thinking I'll try to sell what I can then start freecycling stuff like crazy.  Life is good though. I have been having some WOW moments all week long and it's just amazing. God is amazing and God is good. Oh yea I've been reading Lee Stroebel's The Case for Christ... ABSOLUTELY positively an excellent read!! Awesome stuff there.
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