I have a surgery date!! Woo-Hoo!!
Hello, all! I am fairly new to OH and appreciate everyone's openness in the forums. I have been researching this surgery and now, I am scheduled - Woo-hoo!! My surgery will be at St. V's with Dr. Jones on November 30th. Heather called on Halloween, but I'm a little slow getting this posted. I am so excited for this next chapter in my life. I'm so glad to have checked out the forums here - so much wonderful insight to this surgery. This site and all the people here are great!!
That's great!! This is an exciting time! Don't worry the time will just fly by! I'm down to two weeks before mine. This is a great resource and support group you've found here! There's always someone here to answer any and all questions anyone has. This is the nicest bunch of Indiana folks I've ever found. Very helpful and supportive.
Looking forward to hearing more from your journey! And we'll all be here for ya!! Take care!
Welcome to the boards and congrats on getting a date. I wish u all the best.
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