Happy Thursday!

LaChelle R.
on 10/31/07 7:52 pm - Erie, PA
Happy Thursday to everyone!  Hope your day and evening goes well. It is officially November.......and we all know what that means!!!  Cornucopia  Thanksgiving!  Turkey Wave A time to celebrate familys. Be thankful for your family! I certainly am! As you can tell, I usually get the whole month involved!!! LOL I am a gooberhead that way! Have a wonderful day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/31/07 8:04 pm - Richmond, IN

I love Oct and Nov.  Fall is my favorite time of the year.  I am so looking forward to this month. 

Andy and I are going on Vacation in 12 days so I wont be posting much during that time.  We have a friend coming to stay in our house and take care of the animals....so much nicer than having to board them since they arent used to being caged up.

Im taking my laptop with us and I have a wireless but I dont think hes parents do.  They are in their 80's so Im sure they dont.  I'll have to use the snail phone lines...lol.

Well then we will be spending Thanksgiving Day in Ohio with my family.

Happy November everyone...Just checking in...not much new here.   Pamela

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on 10/31/07 9:28 pm - indianapolis, IN
I myself also love fall time, it is my absolute favorite season!!!! I have always hated summers but I think thats more due to my weight, so im hoping that summer of 2008 will be a great summer for me and the kids!!! Im not sure im ready for the hussle n bussle of the holiday seasons ahead but im ready to enjoy family time with the people I love most!!! Everyone have a great day * HUGS*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on 11/1/07 2:16 am - Richmond, IN

Im sure next summer will be much better for you.  I know this past one ....was much better for me than the last 10 summer were.

Its still not my favorite but it was much more tolerable.  The heat didnt kill me....I dont sweat anything like I used to.  Its amazing how much your body changes after u loose  180 lbs ...lol

You will have a great time with your kids next summer Im sure and everyone else in your family...


 This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes


This is my favorite online site for shopping




(deactivated member)
on 10/31/07 10:10 pm - Terre Haute, IN
I'm feeling kind of blue today. I was yesterday too. I was looking forward to going to my therapy appointment yesterday, but my psychologist called and cancelled because she was sick. I was disappointed, but hey, it happens. I know I've had to cancel on people at work when I've gotten sick.  I know for a little while now, since Mikey started having so many problems I've been a little off track. Not horribly, but enough that I'm feeling bad about it. I went to the market this morning before work, and got some crystal light though and fat free yogurt to bring with. Things I can drink and have as a snack, and not feel bad about. I mean, I'm still losing, but much more slowly, since I've been off the wagon. I'm going to get back on though.  I am looking forward to weekend after this coming one. I got invited to go on a trip to the Holocaust Museum in DC. My friend had an extra plane ticket, and wanted me to come with her class. I'm trying to arrange work so I can go. That would be an interesting trip. 
Annette C.
on 10/31/07 10:49 pm - Danville, IN
Thursday at last!   I'm off work tomorrow so this is my Friday. I'll be attending a statewide women's conference for our church this weekend.  I am so looking forward to it.  Just getting away with the girls and spending time being encouraged.  It really is refreshing. Update on me and what's been happening:  Last week I had a stitch that abscessed on my right breast.  No big deal, but Dr Bergman wanted to poke at it and put me on antibiotics.  I had my follow-up with her yesterday.  It is all clear and everything is back to normal.  While I was waiting to see her I picked up the Botox pamphlet and was reading...so needless to say, I had her do the Botox thing on my forehead and around my eyes before I left.  Now comes the wait to see how well it works.  Don't tell anyone, this will be our secret. Have a great rest of the week!

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 10/31/07 10:53 pm - Thorntown, IN

Hi all,     Another beautiful fall day here-yeah!!!! My birthday Tuesday, was nice, Dana & I went for a  walk & I tried out my new pedometer my daughter in Minn. sent me- walked 3500 steps in an hr.which I thought was wonderful!!(Thats 1.67 miles!!) Then that night he built me a big bonfire & we sat out & watched the stars & planes go by!  (He is giving me spending money for a Womens Ministry Conferance I'm going to in Tenn. this month.It is amazing how I use to "expect big things" for my birthday-cards,flowers, gifts,gifts etc. but now it is the simple things I enjoy most. OK-WHERES MY GIFTS!!!???!!!)     Took the babies to the Dr. yesturday-Bethany is 4# 8oz. & Aiden is 5#2oz. so they are growing like weeds! She has a flow heart murmur which she should grow out of, & a droopy eye( just like her big brother Nick had) & she doesn't like bright lights. Aiden is very vocal, and trying to hold up his head already! Gosh, kids do things so much quicker now than when my girls were babies- or my memory is falling me!!Must be "old timers"-ha!    Going to help with the babies for awhile then to Penny's to watch the kids while Mike goes to his police post. Have a great fall day everyone!! (((hugs))) Ellen

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 11/1/07 12:41 am - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning from Seton everyone! So far today, so good. My breakfast is staying right where it should be! I had a breakfast ham sandwich on wheat. It was probably the best meal I've had since I've been here. Best of all, no running to the bathroom yet! I'm trying strictly no veggies or fruits to see if that helps. I guess the next thing to go will be dairy. After my body gets use to having and keeping the food in it, I'll slowly re-introduce foods back to see what my no-no ones are now. Meat, bread, and crackers are the only things that definately seem to be ok so far. Oh...I had 2 sf Milano cookies last night and had no issue with them either. A GI is suppose to come see me soon...I hope today.

When I had the wound-vac changed yesterday, I asked her when she thought I'd be graduating to just a dressing. After doing some measuring, she decided to go ahead and graduate me! Yeah! That is one HUGE step toward going home. Not to mention, it also means that the swelling in the intestines have gone down enough that Dr. Gupta will be able to close me up the rest of the way when I get out of here. The opening is ~5" by ~7"...so pretty big but the intestines is suck in instead of goose-egged out. Oh...and the opening was originally closer to ~10" round. Needless to say, the opening looks MUCH better! I am looking forward to Dr. Riseman coming by and seeing if he'll give me a clue as to when he'll release me. I took one walk so far today (plus cleaned up & shaved my legs). I saw the woman from the cafeteria so thought I better come back to my room so I can give her my order for tomorrow. I wish she'd come on so I can walk some more! Some things never change...lol! Ellen...so glad the babies are gaining weight so well! I was concerned about little Bethany but she's going to be 5lbs in no time. You all have a good day! Sherri ps...I use to love fall..but now? I freeze!


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 11/1/07 12:59 am - Wabash, IN
What a beautiful fall day!  Happy Thursday and Happy November. The last 2 weeks of October are always so hectic for me that I look forward to November!  I only have 1 birthday in November and that is my son's on the 10th and then of course Thanksgiving which I love to celebrate. I give thanks every day for my family and friends but at Thanksgiving it seems to touch me more.  Ellen~ Happy belated birthday! and big huggggggs to the twins...they are growing so fast! Sherri~ GREAT to see you are getting better and better!  Hang in there...I know what you mean about FREEZING!  Heck...I was freezing BEFORE I had the surgery...I reckon living in Houston for 25 years did that....LOL  but now I am even COLDER!!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR Annette~ Enjoy your church outing...Its always great to have church with friends! Linda~ WOW gal...enjoy the trip to DC and the museum! I would love to see that museum. Everyone......HAVE a GREAT day!!!!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 11/1/07 1:27 am - LaGrange, KY
BRRRRR is mostly all I have to say!!! I have an appointment in a couple hours or else I'd done curled back up under the covers. I don't feel soo great these past couple days! I don't really know what it is or whats wrong (other then the nagging pains around my gtube but I've had them off and on since I've had it) or whats going on I just feel blah! Sluggish and tired and all. I guess maybe the anasthesia from my scope is still working it's way out or something. I've been getting my fluids and all in fine so I don't know. Just one of those weeks. Trying to recoup from my busy weekend too! That drained me energy wise! But overall I'm doing good!!
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