Hey everyone........Im so excited that Im feeling well enough to walk with my kids tonight....I have been walking since day of surgery but had pains and discomforts...LAST night for the first time I was able to walk my normal distance that was taking me 25-30 minutes in 15 minutes, so I was very excited.......Today im 2 weeks post of from Lapband surgery.....I thought my body would recover a lot faster than it has, but for some reason, its taken me this full time to finally feel better....I guess its GODS way of slowing me down and to stop being so independant...Im a go getter do it myself kinda girl and my family has really stepped up to the plate through all my discomforts. Im very thankful I have a great family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs everyone*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're doing terrific. Many people have WLS and seem to think they'd have little or no pan/discomfort. It is a surgery and they do cut into you tummy, so pain/discomfort is perfectly normal. If yours is lap, you probably bounce back quicker than if it was open, but it is still a surgery. It took me about 5 weeks to feel 'normal'...pain-wise and energy-wise.
Enjoy walking with the kids tonight!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Happy Wednesday!
Heather - Glad to hear you starting to feel better :)
Sherri - It's nice to see ya posting and getting back to your normal self :)
I'm still just super tired so I don't know how much I will be around today! I'm just mainly trying to push fluids like crazy (I feel so behind from yesterday still) and soo thats gonna be my goal today is to get all the fluids I lacked for yesterday plus todays in!!! Overall I think I'm feeling a bit better since getting dialated again. Soo thats a plus. I think I'm in Ketosis again though which I think is a great thing. :) Now that I'm tapering off the Prednisone. Anyways thats bout all for now! :)
I enjoyed talking to you at the exchange. Glad to hear you are starting to feel better. It does take a while. Don't get discouraged, just take it one day at a time.
Some of us dressed up at work today for Halloween. I came as a witch, wart on nose, broom, and all.
Hope everyone has a good day, and a safe night out with the kids if that is what you're doing.
It was good talking to you at the exchange. Glad to hear you are feeling better. It does take a while. Just take one day at a time.
Some of us at work dressed up for Halloween today. I came as a witch, (wart on nose, broom and all) Hope everyone has a safe Halloween out with the kids, or whatever else you may be doing today. Tina