Happy Monday

on 10/28/07 4:35 pm - Rockport, IN
Go****hink it's Monday morning.  I've been so doped up lately I can't remember what day it is!  I think I'm going to need something to help me sleep.  I'm not in a terrible amount of pain but sleep just wont come.  Is this common? I can't wait to get home and give Luci a big ole smooch.  I've really missed her.   My followup appt is this Thursday.  I may have to reschedule it because Troy has to work.  I think I can get my Daddy to bring me but if not, I'll reschedule. Sure hope the board gets busy soon.  I'm bored to death! Smooches, Jacqui
on 10/28/07 6:33 pm - Richmond, IN

Yes Jacqui its Monday Morning,

Im at work and having a hard time keeping my eyes open.  So I got on here so I could stay busy.  Only 2 more hrs to go and I get to go home. 

The first week is the worse....esp if u have a drain in.   Once u go to that one week apt and the drain comes out things get better from there.  Just make sure u keep walking .....and walking.  I know u get tired of hearing that Im sure but its a mircle worker...it works out the gas...therefor is working out the cramping plus keeps muscles strong so u dont loose muscle while u are loosing fat.

U might want to move you apt up rather than back if u change it so u can get the drain out.  U dont want to keep that in to long if it is whats causing your pain....but if its draining a good amt u might want to move it back a day..

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LaChelle R.
on 10/28/07 8:39 pm - Erie, PA
Good, COLD,  Shiver Windy Monday morning!  I love the cold weather, but I just can't get used to it so abruptly!  Freezing Maybe by the time winter actually gets here, I will be accustomed to the wind chill and the raw feeling that winter brings with it!  Of course, I still have all this extra padding on me, who knows what will happen AFTER I have WLS! LOL It is another Monday morning here in West Baden! Time to get the girls up for school Sleeping In Class , and then crawl back in bed for a couple more hours before it is time to be up for the whole day! At least I am able to go back to bed. Some never have that priviledge!  Warm By The Fire  I try to remind myself when fall and winter get here that we are so lucky to have a roof over our heads, and food in the kitchen for me to prepare. I teach this to the girls also, and I have actually heard them tell their friends to feel the same way! It is amazing what children do actually learn and listen to....hopefully it is all the "rights from wrongs" and the "good things" that they retain and pass on to the rest of the youth of tomorrow! Mint  Biker  Sorry that got way off topic! LOL You know how I get when I start talking, you can't ever tell where I will end up! Have a wonderful day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
D S.
on 10/28/07 9:11 pm - Kansas City, MO
It's a chilly morning here, too! Gwyn decided she needed to get up at 4:11 this morning!  I'd go back to bed, but what's the point when the alarm is going to go off in 7 minutes?  I TECHNICALLY don't have to get up when Chris does, but I have to make his lunch and blah, blah, blah.  So I always just get up with him.  I have my first dr appt for the new baby on Friday.  I wonder how much my new OB will know about bariatrics.  My last OB asked me at my 9 mo appt. "So what are you going to do about your surgery after the baby gets here?"  Huh?  I had to ask her what she meant.  She thought I would have to have the surgery all over again after the baby got here.  It's amazing how little drs actually know about bariatrics.  Anyway, I decided to have the new baby at the same hospital where my mom had me.  I thought that would be neat. There goes that alarm, time to get lunch made!  Have a great day!


on 10/28/07 9:12 pm - Lawrence, IN

Jacqui, It was wonderful seeing you again.  It was a nice visit and we really enjoyed meeting Troy.  He's as nice as you are; you are made for each other.  Look forward to seeing you both again soon, I hope. Take care.  You'll feel better each day.  I know it doesn't seem like it now, but you will.


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on 10/28/07 10:14 pm - Avon, IN
Good morning everyone!!

Boy it sure is cold.... I like this time of year, i like it to be cold up til Christmas then it can get warm again!! LOL
THe clothing exchange was such a good time but unfortunately I didn't find any jeans... SO I went to Plato's closet to get some. Now that right there is a huge plus for me because I have never been able to shop there they never have my size... I found two pairs of jeans for 8.00 a piece and they fit, much better then the ones that I had on at the clothing exchange which i've only been able ot wear for 2 weeks now and are too big... C'est la vie no? There are worse things, like going the opposite direction... Yesterday was a relaxing day. I ended up taking a nap (which I never do) and then I woke up I was sneezing so I think i'm getting a cold. I'm never tired during the day since surgery I have tons of energy so being tired and needing a nap is odd... and then sneezing just confirmed my suspiscion so there will be no flu shot for me. If I'm getting sick and I get that I will get the flu so let's just hope that I don't get the flu because i didn't get the shot...

I have my next therapy session today. Boy has my journal been getting a workout this week... Hopefully we make some breakthroughs... I love my therapist and I get apprehensive about going and then I go and I'm so glad that I did... it's refreshing..

I went to halloween party on Saturday evening and it was with some old co workers, they didn't recognize me.. And i wasn't even that dressed up... that was a good thing and a bad thing all at once... it's a big disconcerting... but exciting... mixed emotions, one of the reasons i'm in therapy, I don't know how to react in this new body, all my "I'm a fat person" coping mechanisms aren't applicable any longer so I have to make new ones...

Well I hope everyone enjoys the crisp Fall day... Peace love chicken grease!


(deactivated member)
on 10/28/07 10:31 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Hi all! Not so happy a Monday for me  ! Our boss called a meeting for 10am. So either we did something wrong, or we didn't but we're going to get chewed out anyway, or there's bad news. Just praying it's not privatization! We knew about the meeting Friday, but he wouldn't tell us what it was about. I just tried to forget about it for the weekend. This morning, to help with the mood of the office, I brought in doughnuts and muffins. I had some regular doughnuts, some plain ones, and sugar-free muffins, so hopfully, everyone can find something they can eat. I also brought in bags of mini-hershey bars and single wrapped twizzlers. Now that I can't eat the junk foods, I still buy them and feed them to my office, lol! Bad, Linda.  Jessyca,... Isn't Plato's Closet great? I love going there. It's so much cheaper than new clothes. I also go to a place in town called the Repeat Boutique, here in Terre Haute. I'm glad you're meshing up with your therapist. That's important to making progress in counseling. I hope it goes well for you. All these changes are so hard to deal with.
on 10/28/07 11:07 pm - Richmond, IN


I wanted to talk to you Sat during our shopping about your therapy.  Like where u go.  I really need to start seeing someone.  Im going on Vacation for 2 weeks....on the 12th of Nov.  then when we get back there will be so much Christmas stuff going on...but I want to get an appt now for sometime around the first of the yr.  I got two great recommendations from 2 ladies in the room.  Just wondered if u could break the tie for me.


Could u email me at [email protected]

thanks sweetie


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on 10/28/07 10:54 pm - LaGrange, KY
Sheesh I couldn't get out of bed to take Rich today so it looks like I'll be doing my errands on foot. Hopefully it warms up a little bit though. I had a busy weekend and I'm still worn out. I can't wait til I actually start having A LOT of energy. Saturday I did laundry and went grocery shopping and loads of running, then we went to a concert at the F.O.E in Salem but we left around midnight. Then yesterday it was up and at em early and we headed to my inlaws for "brunch" and then we headed to the race track for the big Halloween 200 at Salem speedway and seemed like we were there allllllllll day! It was a fun weekend but I just need some type of battery recharger to hook in!!  The scale finally moved for me again :) Even though I'm still on the steroids but I'm under 250 lbs for the first time in probally 10 years! It's awesome.
on 10/28/07 11:08 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Jacqui, Sleeping was a problem for me and a few others.  My personal opinion is that we have so much going on that our minds just don't turn off when night comes.  Wonders and worries about the new life and changes, maybe some fear thrown in for good measure about the future and unknown.  If it keeps up talk to your Dr about it.

Wish I lived closer so I could help with your transportation problem.  Keep walking, drinking, and looking UP.  You have my numbers if you need me.


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