I don't know how to use the new board

Gail O.
on 10/28/07 6:23 pm - indianapolis, IN

Hello All,

This is the fifth time tonight I have tried to post. I miss my Oh family so much. I got my feeding tube out 10 days ago and my insision is still draining. But, its getting easier to sit now. I wanted to go to the exchange so bad but my allergies had other plans for me. I had my one year anniversity on the 24th. It's had to belive its been a year. I have lost  171lbs. I need to get exerciseing but all I can do is walk mostly in the house.  I really have to learn to post and reply HELP !!!!!       I hope there is something planned soon, I so want to see everybody.  Love and Blessings, Gail                                             

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @ www.MySpace.com/gail7616

on 10/28/07 6:29 pm - Richmond, IN


We missed you so much at the exchange.  It was a really good one too.  I so wish u would have made it.  We need to get a new picture of you on here.  I love that u are down 171 lbs.  Thats so awesome.  I bet u look amazing.  I hope u get well soon and can come to the Christmas party. 

Miss you


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Gail O.
on 10/28/07 7:03 pm - indianapolis, IN
Pamela, I miss you too ,I am so lost on using the new to me board but since I can sit without pain I will learn to use it. I will be at the Christmas party. I so need a life and friends.  I still feel know I have a long way to go but I will get their slowly but surely. I do need a new picture but I not sure how to put one on . its great to hear from you, we sure played a lot of phone tag.  Love and Blessings Gail

  Believe ! Each and Every Day.
301 pounds lost since RNY 10/26/06 
Visit me @ www.MySpace.com/gail7616

on 10/28/07 7:20 pm - Richmond, IN

Gail we get you a pic I can get it on there for you or find someone that can.  I have a great tech support person named Sally...she knows this site inside and out.  Shes an OH angel.  We will work something out.

Take care and looking forward to seeing you at the Exchange

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on 10/28/07 10:17 pm - Avon, IN
Gail, it's so great to see you posting!!! I'm so glad tha tyou're doing better.. ::Hugs:: Are you going to be going to the St v's christmas party? I hope so I can't wait to see you, and I agree with Pamela, you need a new picture... She can have Sally hook you up...

Take care of you and I can't wait to see you!!


on 10/29/07 1:25 am - Indianapolis, IN
Gail, I'm glad you were able to get your message posted. Like most things, the more you use it, the easier the board is to use. In no time, you'll be as comfortable with it as you were with the old one (or more so!). If I were home, I'd offer to do your avatar (picture) for you. Floyd & Brenda will be hosting this year's Christmas Ornament exchange this year (~begining of December). We talked about maybe getting together  after I get out of here...probably at a local restaurant on the east side. You are welcome to join us then too. I'd love to be able to see your skinny self! Remember that you are welcome to join in on anything you see posted (as is anyone else!). I'm glad you got that tube out and everything is healing up well....and 171 pounds! whoo-hoo!! Huggs! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/29/07 11:53 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hey Sherri, Hijack- I sure missed you at the exchange! But I am hoping that you are getting stronger and better each day! Thanks for the Boyd's Bear, I love him! Although, you really didn't need to be thinking of me when you are going through so much! I do appreciate it though! I am wanting to visit but have felt yucky the last day and now look to be moving in the next few days. It will be a hectic week! I don't want to bring in any unwanted/needed germs, so maybe I can stop by once you are home, hopefully soon, k? I am keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and feel terrible that I haven't gotten to SEE ya yet! I hope that you are feeling better and are having less pain and spasms! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 10/29/07 10:15 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Dawn, You are quite welcome. I picked up the little guy before my plastics and knew he'd be perfect for you.  You're right. No bugs wanted or needed. I'm really hoping they can figure out what the deal is with the diarea soon. I think that's the last biggie in keeping me from going home. Congrats in being able to go home! huggs.... Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/29/07 11:50 am - Indianapolis, IN
Gail, I am doing the HAPPY DANCE seeing my angelette post on the boards! It is so great seeing you posting again and feeling better! I sure missed seeing you at the exchange, although I did just post the next 3 dates as well as we have the Ornament Exchange in December to look forward to as well! I hope that you are still feeling better with each and every passing day and are able to make it to the upcoming events! Although, whenever you are ready for some company, give me a holler, I am not that far away! I hope to be moving the next few days, but after I am all settled and back HOME, I will be content and ready to visit! Maybe you and Michelle can venture over and see me at my NEW house, lol! I haven't had company in almost 7 months, so having visitors at home will be a wonderful blessing! give me a call, hugz and love, Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

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