If it wasn't for bad luck....
I wouldn't have any luck at all!!! Ugh. Looks like my second attempt at attending a clothing exchange has been ransacked.
There is a huge very old tree in my front yard, and once a year I have to call a plumber/sewer place to come clean out the pipes. The damn tree roots always make their way into them, and clog up the whole damn thing. I can't afford to have them completely replaced, so I have to deal with a $200 fix once a year. Well, yesterday was my once of the year. So, now money is VERY tight, and with gas prices raising 30 cents yesterday, I just don't have the means to fill up my gas tank. Blah!
Third times a charm?? Totally sucks that I have a crap load of clothes to share too! Next time...
You will be missed. I was so looking forward to spending time with u again. Maybe u could hook up with someone near you and ride with them. Saving u some gas money and giving them some company???
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