A quick hello......

on 10/26/07 1:00 am - IN
Sherri, I am glad that you are doing better and hope you continue to recover as quickly as possible.  I know that we don't know each other very well, but I really miss your great advice and presence on the board. Feel better soon! Maddie471

LaChelle R.
on 10/26/07 1:15 am - Erie, PA
Sherri, I am so happy to see you able to post again! You have been in my thoughts and prayers daily! Continue on the road to recovery!!!  Hope you are able to get up and around in no time at all! Take care! God Bless and continued prayers for a speedy recovery!   
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Cindy P.
on 10/26/07 2:01 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Sherri, I was very glad to see you on the board today.  I'm sorry I missed you when I called yesterday.  I'm going to try to get up to the hospital tomorrow before the clothing exchange, but if I don't, I just wanted to leave you a quick note to let you know I'm thinking of you. See you tomorrow, hopefully!

on 10/26/07 6:21 am - Indianapolis, IN
Cindy, It was good seeing you for those few minutes today. Sorry about the timing with the wound change. Next  time, I hope we have more of a chance to visit! Sherri ps...laptop is working fine now


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Cindy P.
on 10/30/07 7:31 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hi Sherri, Glad I got to see you even for a short time.  I'm going to try to get over there tomorrow or Thursday after work or at lunch time.  Glad your laptop decided to work!  See you again soon.

Peggy P.
on 10/26/07 2:17 am - Marion, IN
Wow that is a lot for one person to go through.  I will keep you in my prayers.  Take it easy and take care of yourself, if you need anything please let me know.  Talk soon.
on 10/26/07 3:52 am - Indianapolis, IN
Sherri, So glad to see you back on the board, I've missed your postings.  You have been in thought and prayer.  Floyd and Ellen have done a good job of keeping us updated.  Wonderful that you are on the upside of recovery.  May God continue to heal your body, mind, and spirit and give you more strength than you ever thought possible.  You are sure important to all of us here on the board so we know God will keep you around for a long time if only just to keep the rest of us in line. Take care of yourself, you come first, everything else will fall in to place. Julie 
on 10/26/07 4:00 am - KOKOMO, IN


Praise God for your recovery and I want you know that you and Bill and family have been in Ann and my prayers since we heard of your troubles.  We never know why some have problems with surgery and others do not, but we do know that God's healing hand will get us thru our set backs.

I take it that  you are at St Vincents, is that correct.  We will not be coming to the clothing exchange tomorrow since I will be teaching an all day seminar on the Holy Spirit.  I sure hate not seeing everyone and meeting some of the new folks.

Take care of yourself knowing that you are in His arms.   Dan




If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at www.packardministries.org and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]

  You will  be added to our daily prayers.   One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS.   Pastor Dan 





on 10/26/07 6:18 am - Indianapolis, IN
Dan, I'm at St. Vincnt Seten Specialy Hospital. It's a rehab type of place for long term (ie longer than insurance would pay for at a regular hospital) care. My care circles around wound care, physical & occupational therapy (walking, dressing, etc), and physical care (meds, etc). It's located at 8050 Township Line Road, room 117, phone # 317-415-8417. I was transferred here last Friday after 2 weeks in St. V's. I/we appreciate the prayers. I still have awhile to go before I can put this as a memory so please do keep the prayers coming! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/26/07 4:00 am - LaGrange, KY
Glad to see your doing a little better .. Still praying for you.
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