A quick hello......

on 10/25/07 9:45 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Hi everyone! It sure feels great to be able to post on here! Ellen...thank you for asking about net connection here for me! Floyd & Ellen...thank you for the many, many updates on me. I know you all are wonderng what in the heck happened. In many ways, so am I. Here's the run-down as far as I understand it all a this point.

I had the tummy tuck (with full abdo) and thight lift on Sept 25th. I woke up in recovery wheezing so it was thought that I caught a little cold. By the 28th, I couldn't breathe so was admitted for 'pnumonia'.  I was released the following Monday. The following Saturday (Oct. 6th), I woke up doubled over in pain in my stomach. They did a cat scan which showed a blood clot in my lung (so...DID I really have pnumonia the week before???), a blood clot in my leg, and most importantly, a blockage in my intestines. Dr. Caccucci brought me into emergency exploratory surgery. My intestines were not getting blood supply to them so they induced a coma and spread my intestines out so they can get blood. The next day, back to the OR, where every inch of my intestines were checked. The blood had got back to them with the exception of a few minor blockages (fixed). Then started the long procedure of getting my swollen intestines back into my body (2 more surgeries). After 9 days in the coma, they woke me up a week ago Monday. Since then, I have been trying to regain my strength and going through wound-vac changes (which cover the opening for the intestines). Once the intestine swelling is gone, Dr. Gupta will be closing the gap in my belly. She did tell me that I have a good chance of developing a hernia now.  I did decide my girls aren't going to get done. I'm just too much at risk for complications.  I'll try to get on again afterwhile. Please keep the prayers coming. As Ellen said, I wear out easily, but I'd love the se you/hear from you! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jenny K.
on 10/25/07 9:57 pm - IN

Wow!  You hang in there Sherry.  Hopefully the worst of it is over.  I was wondering about you.  I knew that you had been in the hospital the first time, then I went and had my surgery and wasnt on this site much and lost track of what was going on.  You have been thru the ringer. I will keep you in my prayers and hope for a speedy recovery for you.


 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/25/07 10:10 pm - Evansville, IN

Sherry  you are in my thoughts are prayers.  I wish for you a speedy recovery.  Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest.  God is on your side.  I hope for you the worst is over and now nothing but good news.  Lisa

on 10/25/07 10:19 pm
Sherri, Wow girl!! You don't do things in half measures, do you?  I am so sorry to hear how ill you have been and still are.  Very, very dangerous stuff.  I will continue to pray for you and your recovery as well as for your family.  Though I have not had the opportunity to meet you personally I have always felt like you were kind of the "mom" to this site that kept us all together.  You are very special to us and I personally have really appreciated your knowledge and wisdom.  Hang in there!!  Peggy
on 10/25/07 11:24 pm - Avon, IN
I'll keep you in my prayers dear... take care of yourself... May God hold you in His arms...


on 10/25/07 11:26 pm - New Whiteland, IN
Morning Sherri! It is so good to see you on here! I know god will get you thru this and have you back up and running in no time! We sure miss you on the messageboards and the clothing exchange just won't be the same without you! Take care sweetie and we will keep those prayers going out for your safe and speedy recovery! Hugs! Marianne

"Bloom Where you are Planted! " RNY 2/3/06 ~ TT/BA/BL saline implants 7/17/07

on 10/25/07 11:26 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hey Sherri, It is so good to see ya posting! I myself haven't been on much lately! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better and coming around the bend on this crazy bump in your journey! I will miss ya tomorrow at the exchange, but you will be in many of our thoughts and prayers! We have been very busy with trying to get the finalities all lined up with getting back home and have all been passing around a bug, working at the school and being around so many children I have sure brought home many BUGS of illnesses! I will try and see ya as soon as possible, but don't want to pass any of our buggy germs on to you, though! Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers and that I have been worried about ya and thinking of ya too! Hope you are up and walking soon! We miss ya- Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/25/07 11:27 pm - Terre Haute, IN
Take care of yourself, Sherri! It was good to get to see you last week. I'll miss you tomorrow though, at the exchange.
Brenda R.
on 10/25/07 11:53 pm - Portage, IN
Hi Sherri. I am so glad that things are looking up for you. You have been greatly missed here. I look forward to your posts because of the great knowledge that you have. I use what you say a lot of times.  May God continue to keep his loving and healing arms around you. I am so glad that you are on the road to recovery. My prayers are with you always.

                    It's not what you gather, but what you scatter 
                        that tells what kind of life you have lived.

                          oh_c_card-2.gif picture by kittikat22


on 10/26/07 12:52 am - Thorntown, IN

Hi Again Sweety,

 So glad Tiff brought you your laptop & you are on here again!!That girl really is earning her wings!!!  I was so happy to see you gal, to hear your voice- I just hope I didn't wear you out too much  catching up! It was great to share our ups & downs together- I wanted to spend my time with my "angel" on my surgerversery- you have encouraged & inspired me in countless ways, & I love you  my Lil "Sister".(I never knew I had such "pull"till I called the hospital- haha!) Gosh, you are doing amazing for all you've been thru & suffered. Talk about someone God has lots of use for here, you have alot of hope & friendship to share with all of us.I just want you to know we are all here for you & will be there for you when you get home.  See ya after the Exchange- Love ya, Sis!!! ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((big bear hugs~hee,hee!!)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) Ellen

  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
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