I visited Sherri Today

on 10/25/07 10:32 am - Thorntown, IN
Hi Everyone,  Today after my 2 yr. check up with Dr. Inman & the Dietician, I  stopped in to see our SWEET SHERRI! She is doing very well,:>) for  someone who was at deaths door not too long ago!!!! :>((( They found out she DIDN'T HAVE Pnumonia- BUT A BLOOD CLOT IN HER LUNG & LEG!!!  She has done really well with her PT. & is anxious to get home & get on with her life!  WOW~ is all I can say- I'd like her to tell all when she is able. Tonight the is suppose to get her lap top, so I know she'll be on here  soon. She does still wear out very quickly, so if you go visit her, please  keep it to 1/2 hr.as she needs all her strength to recouperate. Sherri was really hoping to be at the Clothing Exchange, but won't be  able to- so if you'd like to send her a card or alittle get well gift, I'll  take it to her afterward. I know Floyd posted her room number so  check his update, if you need the address. I just want to encourage all of us to continue to keep her in your  prayers, send get-well wishes, and support her~ she is such a  wonderful friend and supporter to all of us!!! She has gone thru so much, and is going to be in the hospital another 8- 10 days.  Blessings, Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
on 10/25/07 10:45 am - Lawrence, IN
Ellen, Thanks so much for the update.   I got your call when we got home from the cooking class.  Glad to hear we'll see you and Dana on Saturday.  From talking to many people, I think this is going to be one big and successful Clothing Exchange. Floyd

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on 10/25/07 11:25 pm - Avon, IN
Floyd, how was the cooking class? I had it down to go but I had to go take care of a friend of mine that had neck surgery a couple weeks ago...


on 10/26/07 12:07 am - Lawrence, IN

It was great.  I'm going to email the recipes to everyone on the directory tonight.  It was nice seeing Cindy and Sandra there too.


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on 10/25/07 6:31 pm - Richmond, IN

Congrats Ellen, on your 2 yr anniversery.  Im glad everything is going ok for you and even happier that we get to see you Sat.  Im so looking forward to seeing all my friends!!!


Im making my soup this morning when I get off of work so it will be ready to go Sat. 

 This is my favorite site for Healthy Recipes


This is my favorite online site for shopping




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