Insurance Question
Hi, Annette. I'm not sure if you remember me - I asked about MPlan in early Sept. Anyway you gave me quite a bit of info on the RNY surgery, etc.
I did get in to see Dr. Jones before Oct. appt. was changed to Oct. 8th. Dr. Jones told me to call her on Oct. 15th to see if she'd gotten my report done. I called and she was going to be out of town the 17th, 18th, & 19th, so she didn't know if she'd get it done, but she told me to call her Tues. Oct. 23rd......I did, but got her voice mail. I left a message and she didn't return my call, so I called her again yesterday and did the same thing. She still hasn't returned my call. I told her that I didn't know how booked up Dr. Huse was, but it doesn't seem to matter. My guess is that she still doesn't have it done. She said I was #6 and she'd already done 2-1/2 and finished the half and was working on the next 2 when I talked to her Oct. 15th. She told me I could call her everyday if I wanted, but it wouldn't get done any quicker. She'd told me on my last appt. that she was hoping to have them done by the end of Oct. I don't know how she's going to do it. She still had 7 more to do after mine. The reason I'd prefer Dr. Huse is because this surgery is a revision for me and he did my first surgery. I also know that not everyone does revisions anyway. I just thought I'd let you know what was going on since I last posted on this forum. You gave me so much info before and I really appreciated it. Hope everything is well with you. Candy