Update on Sherri
Sherri has been transferred to Seton Hospital, Room 112. Phone 415-8412.
She expects to be there for 1-2 weeks and when she gets released, she will have to have one more surgery to finish correcting the issues with the intestines. She has been through a lot in the past few weeks, so if you visit or call, please keep it to a limited time. She's still very tired and in some pain. They are removing the IV tonight since she can now eat on her own. So things are improving. Please still keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
She misses everyone and will sure miss seeing us all at the Clothing Exchange. She passes along her thanks to Linda Vicory for coming and seeing her. Brenda and I were hoping to see her this weekend, but we both came down with colds so are staying away. It was sure good talking with her tho.