I have lost 9 1/2 lbs.
YAY!!! Is it possible you are still having gas pain? Have you triedthe Gas-X dissolveables? It might just be from your body changing so quickly(kinda like reverse growing pains****ep watching for your posts because Dr Clark did your sugery and Dr Ditslear is doing mine. I know that must seem kinda silly. Oh- the pain might also be from not moving very much- but I would try the Gas X if you think it's that- it's available at Walgreens.
I saw a post either here on the main board and someone talked about their back hurting from lying on the operating table. I have asked Dr. Clark if he would put a bolster under my knees to relieve some of the pressure off my back during surgery as I already have back pain and don't want it to get worse.
Well, my back pain got worse last night, i was up all night, back pain and nausea and vomiting...I finally called dr. clarks answering service and they paged Dr. Oneal that was on duty. He had me come back to comm. south hospital, they did a cat scan and blood work and found out i have gall stones.....so i have to call dr. clark tomorrow morning and see what he wants to do....
Sure hope u get to feeling better soon. Im sure Dr. Clark with know whats best for you!!!
Good luck
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