Happy Thursday!

LaChelle R.
on 10/17/07 8:27 pm - Erie, PA
Well, my weather radio worked well this morning. It went off when they posted the tornado watch.  Thunderstorms  That is good that it works like it is supposed to.  Thunder  I was already posting a good morning to everyone when the power went out, and now I have to REPOST it! lol  At least it was only out for a few moments.  Now to get the girls in and out of the shower before the power flashes again. I just love storms, it will bring the players to the casino. If the word rain or storms is even mentioned in the forcast, we get slammed! That is great too!  I may get to go storm chasing this evening if they are bad enough.  Tornado That is the coolest thing about being a spotter for the weather service. I am not always needed, but when I am, bring them on! LOL  I had a bunch of pictures on my pc of my last chase, but when my pc crashed earlier this year, I lost them all!  Hurricane Talk about sad.  I have some still printed off, but not near as many as I had on here. One day I will get a flashdrive, and save them all on that.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/17/07 9:46 pm
Good morning!!!!! It is raining here in North/Central IN as well... they say that nasty stuff that i****ting west of us could be here this afternoon.  I've always been fascinated with the weather.... either a music teacher or a weather women.... chose music.... but still love the weather! Have a great day!
D S.
on 10/17/07 10:42 pm - Kansas City, MO
You are a brave soul.  Personally, when the sirens go off, my happy rump goes to the basement.  I'm a chicken.  We had the rough storms roll through KC yesterday.  The thunder was so loud that it was rattling the windows in the nursery (where I was at the time).  The "morning sickness" has finally arrived , though it isn't NEARLY as bad as when I was preggo with Gwyn and they were going to have to put me on TPN.   It usually strikes in the evening, so I normally go to bed without dinner.  Food just doesnt even sound good at all, though I've been making sure to take my vitamins and I try to get at least 1000 calories in everyday, ideally I should be at 1500 though. Well you all take care and stay safe in those storms!  I haven't checked out the weather for here for today yet, but it's already lighter outside than it ever got yesterday, and the sun isnt even all the way up yet.


Annette C.
on 10/17/07 11:11 pm, edited 10/17/07 11:13 pm - Danville, IN

I'm operating on 100% caffeine this morning.  Our new puppy arrived last night via Northwest Airlines.  What a rough day he had.  He got on a plane in Fargo, ND at 1 pm yesterday and didn't land in Indy until 7:45.  Poor guy.  Then he had to get to know a whole new family in just a couple of hours.  Poor little one cried most of the night.  So not much sleep for me.  My daughter is home with him this morning and just called to report that he "went poo-poo" outdoors.  Yippee!  I'll try to get him to stand still long enough to grab a picture with the digital camera tonight and get it posted.  He is a cutie! If you hear snoring coming from my cubicle today, please tip-toe by and let me sleep.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 10/18/07 12:20 am - LaGrange, KY
Happy Thursday! Not much to say but Hi! :) I'm just having a quiet day. Going to work on getting housework done and go for a walk in a little while. :)  I'm working on getting my FAFSA stuff filled out to try and go back to school starting in January to start on my pre- reqs maybe. I may try and take some of my courses online because of the winter weather coming up, even though Columbus isn't that far away it's enough on ice and snow, but we will see.
on 10/18/07 1:08 am - Avon, IN
How did you get involved in storm chasing? I love weather and storms and watch the radars like a hawk. Day's like today (althought i don't think we're going to have enough heating for anything severe) are days I live for in the spring and fall... Please give me some info...


LaChelle R.
on 10/18/07 8:00 am - Erie, PA
I have always been intrigued by storms. I took the Storm Spotter class that is given by NOAA and the national weather service.  You can check out the NOAA website for your local weather service.  Mine is out of Louisville.  It just depends on what area you are in.  If you can find out when the next storm spotter class is for your area, you should go.  It is free of charge.  Very interesting to attend also.  Once you have attended the classes, you can become a liscensed spotter for the NWS.  You will register with the NWS and your local station as a spotter, and you will become activated when necessary. Just talk to your local station, and you can find out all the info.  I am on a "team" to go report and "chase" for damage and actual tornadoes. It is an adrenalin rush!!! I find it so awesome! I am sure you would too!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenifer R.
on 10/18/07 2:53 am

good morning all :) i'm at work, wishing it was friday...happy that it's thursday :) not much going on though, work work and more work! feeling good today...going walking when i get out of here (with my aunt)...ready for the weekend...di i mention that? :) lol i had to drive to work in the dreaded rain this morning...that sucked!  hope you all have a blessed thursday!



I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!

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