Doing our part of the job. . . .

on 10/5/07 9:49 am - IN
I was at work today and took a few minutes to read the posts.  And darn did I want to make a post but I couldn't do it from my work computer.  Anyway, I read Sherrie's reply regarding importance of following the doctor's instructions and I think it is something everyone should see!!!  I thought long and hard before I had this surgery because I seriously worried about the side effects.  My daughter was very opposed to me having this procedure because of the risks.  When I decided to go ahead, I was determined to do everything the doctor told me to do.  I found a good doctor at a good practice and I proceeded.  When I went home, I did what I was supposed to even though I hated that damn sippy cup.  I have therefore done very well and have had few problems. Dumping once because of sugar alcohol which I hadn't considered, constipation, but only minor things.  Anyway I read the post and thought how right on Sherrie was about following the doctor's instructions.  For those of you who haven't had the surgery and are waiting, do your part!  Follow instructions, if problems, call the doctor ASAP, don't wait for situations to get out of hand . . . remember, a person who elects to do a risky elective procedure needs to do all they can to lessen the risks.  That being said, I can tell you how happy I am that I did this.  What a relief it is to be taking half the meds I did 4 months ago!! This forum is great with lots of positive comments and supportive people, but every once a while tough love should be the order of the day.   Best wishes to all . . .lose weight, feel good.
on 10/5/07 10:47 am - Wabash, IN
DITTO DITTO DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!! I feel the same as Sherri and you...I researched...found a doc I liked...made the decision and remembered THIS IS A I CHOSE TO GET....the doc has done his its MINE!  MY JOB to listen...train...and obey the rules to a T to make sure my body does ok on this journey!  I BELIEVE WITHOUT A SHADOW OF DOUBT, that is why I am feeling so great after a week and one day post op! I HATE that dang sippee cup too!!!!!!!!!!  LOL Thanks to my Indiana Posse (y'all on this forum) for being so supportive also!

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

on 10/5/07 2:09 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Thank you ladies. I think it's very important to go into this with the attitude that you will do everything that you can to do everything that the doc tells you to do. Period. They know what it takes to be successful. They know what it takes to be successful in a healthy manner. Don't do it? You won't be healthy, you won't be successful. And 'successful' is defined as long-term success. ANYONE can lose weight in the first year after having WLS but it takes dedication and life-style change to keep that weight off beyond that.

Doing all that the doctor tells us to does not guarantee that there will be no complications...but it does minimize the risks. I repeatedly kept getting strictures which were repeatedly dilated back open...which repeatedly caused perforations and in turn, a revision was needed. None of which was my fault. None of which was Dr. Gupta's fault. None of which was my RNY's fault. Just the luck of the draw with the way my body behaved. On the other hand...I had 2 ulcers. One due to drinking a low-cal juice (body didn't like the citric) and one due to a cup of full-lead coffee. Both, my fault. Both, I learned from and try my best to advise others to learn from my mistakes. The most important factor in this process is within the patient themself....personal attitude. So while newbies are doing the research, they NEED to keep in mind that complications can and do happen. They also have to have the mindset that they WILL do as the doctor tells them to and if for any reason that they can't, they will be proactive and contact the doctor. Lord knows I could write a book on the risk of complications from gall bladder surgery, hysterectomy, bladder sling repair, bunion surgeries, RNY, RNY revision, internal hernia (KBS), Ulnar nerve surgery, trigger thumb surgery, endoscopies, menopause, and ow my latest, plastic surgery. None of my complications were of fault of the procedure (or condition as in the case of menopause) just WAS. Period. You put a smile on your face, do what the doc tells you to do (even IF it does hurt!!), and wait for life to get better. And you know? It usually does pretty quick as soon as you start expecting it to.   I don't want anyone to think that I don't care about what happens and the problems each of you face. I do. There just comes a time though when I have the attitude of 'God helps them that helps themself so quit whining and start helping yourself by doing what you were told to do'.  I care very deeply for the new people on here and the last thing I want any of them (you) to think is that it is 'normal' to be in constant discomfort weeks post-op. It's not. The last thing I want them to see is someone blaming the surgery for all their problems when that someone isn't, for what-ever reason, not doing all they were told to do. The tool is only as good as the person using it. Don't use it right, don't blame it for failing. If you CAN'T use it right, then get lessons from your doctor instead of slamming the tool and the doctor. As the ladies here so gracefully stated, you have to do your part. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/5/07 9:50 pm - Atlanta, IN
Thanks so much for the pep talk.  I have surgery on October 9 and after reading some of the posts, was starting to get upset and scared.  I know the risks and I also know what is expected afterwards. I plan on doing my part and asking all of you guys a bunch of questions After reading your post, I am starting to get excited again! Thanks again Robin
I always said "pigs would fly" before they approved my surgery.  Guess what??? The pigs are flying!!!!

Linda Kay
on 10/5/07 11:13 pm - Mooresville, IN
Robin, congrats on your upcoming surgery.  I keep remembering after over 2 years... I signed a contract with my hospital, Dr and nutritionalist that I would follow the plan.. Yea, I cheat from time to time but that is MY BAD!! You wont't have a perfect recovery but you will will recover IF you remember why you did it in the first place.. All that protien and vitamins get boreing after a month or so but your hair and heath are soooo worth it!! Then one day you will look down and actaually see your feet!!! WOW!! My first wow was being able to wipe my own butt without twisitng something and hurting my self!!! I STILL have WOW days!! I am STILL healthy.. I am not a size 10... but a 16 is sooo much better than the 32 I was!!!  I am now a "normal" person and have to loose my weight the way "normal" people do... eat less and MOVE more.. YEP exercise!!!  But I wouldnt have it any other way.. Stay active on the board and stick close to people who have been there.. Stay active in support groups.. and never forget where you came from.. Remembering the "old" you will help you keep the "new" you in check.. Best wishes, Linda Kay
on 10/6/07 3:17 am - Atlanta, IN
Linda Kay Thanks so much for the encouragement.  I can't wait until I have a WOW day!   Robin
I always said "pigs would fly" before they approved my surgery.  Guess what??? The pigs are flying!!!!

on 10/6/07 12:50 pm
I keep seeing a reference to a "sippy cup".  Is this the kind little kids learn to drink from and do they recommend that you drink all your liquids from this type of cup?  I haven't had my surgery yet and was just wondering. Thanks.

on 10/6/07 5:55 pm - Richmond, IN
They do recommed it to slow down your drinking after u have surgery.  They will give you one and instruct you on using it  when u have your day long education class if u go to ST. V's

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Linda Kay
on 10/6/07 9:19 pm - Mooresville, IN
The sippy cup is what we give toddlers after we break them from the bottles.. NEEDED!!!! to learn to sip your liquids after surgery.. For MANY months after surgery you have to sip slowly.. One time I took a normal size drink after eatting and It just all slid back up and out.. Throwing up is not as bad as it was before surgery but over filling the pouch can result in upchucking.. and you need all the hydration you can get.. even after 2 and a half years.. I still can get dehydrated.. so sipping all the needed.. after awhile you can graduate to a sports bottle with apull opening.. and get a little more at a time.. Linda Kay
on 10/7/07 9:52 pm
Amen.  The tool is used for CHANGE.  Get over the all you can eat lunches and dinners.  The Denny's super breakfast.\Get off your butt and move.  Walk walk and walk some more.  Get a bike and ride if the feet hurt.  Set goals and meet the goals. Eat from the yellow sheet.  Stay off the scale, you clothes will tell you you are losing weight or inches. Make changes that will last a lifetime. Find new foods to eat. Vegetables are not bad. Fruit is not bad. Eat on smaller plates. I still use my baby fork and spoon. I don't enable family members any more with my cooking. Your spouse or other may not be where you are at so be sensitive to their needs. They are dealing with the new you. Put God in control. TGBTG E
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