They keep wanting more $$ ----- Psych and Pre-op questions.....plz read

on 10/4/07 3:22 am - IN

I am getting sooooooooooo fed up.    I was not informed of all the $$$$$ pre-op there was going to be.   They just keep surprising me with more !!!!

I am self pay for  Lap   RNY

I cannot get approved because I am not fat enough and so if I want BCBS to pay I need to gain some weight and stay that way for 3 years to qualify  ...ARG!!!

Team Bariatrics is costing me $25,000 just for all the surgeons fees and hospital care and 3 months POST op.

I knew ahead of time there would be pre-op testing and i would have to see all memebers of the "team" 

Well, I have now seen everyone and I am ready for my surgery date..............

but no...................  they called today and say that all people have to see a Pschologist ahead of time as well!!!!   I was never ever ever told this and its costing me $400 !!!!

I am so pissed.   I hate psychs because I dont like people knowing my private life.  I never had any issues with mental heath before and just am upset and venting that I have to fork out more $$$.    I am paying with cash out of our saving acct for all of this.

So, I called the office where the Psch is and they said I have to come in 2 sepatate times.   

1.   for a 1 hour visit to "talk"

2.   and then another day for a freakin 2 hour written test  !!!

Can you please tell me what (if you know ) your Psch test costed and whether you self paid or your insurance did.

What the heck do they want to talk about for an hour???    All I do at all the appointemnts Ive been to with my WLS clinic is talk and talk and talk and its all the same stuff over and over.  I am SUPER informed with the surgery and feel that I totally know whats going on.   I have realistic expectations and know that I work for my success.

Plus what pre-op testing did you have to do?

Thanks for the responses.  I know I dont post much and I am just been a lurked for the past 2 years.  I am so close to having the surgery now and just need to vent because the stress is insane.

on 10/4/07 3:37 am - Avon, IN
what hospital are you getting this done at? I had to pay for my psych visit and it was only $95.00 at ST vincents... everyone has to go through a psych eval pre op rather they're self pay or not, it's the surgeons requirement most of the time...


on 10/4/07 3:37 am
I guess the question may be is who or what facility are you using.  The fees you mentioned don't sound that far off.  I used BCBS and paid 3000 out of pocket for some of the deductible. E
on 10/4/07 4:03 am - IN
$400 is ridiculous for a one hour consult and a written test--sounds like Team Bariatrics is overcharging!  Can you see a different psychologist or do you have to use theirs?  If you have to use theirs, I would be leary of Team Bariatrics in general--because to me that means that they just want the money.  St. Vincent's psychological eval cost $120.00 but you could go to ANY psychologist for it. Good luck!

on 10/4/07 4:30 am - IN
I have to go 2 separate times a total of $400 1 hour of "talking" 2 hour paper test
on 10/4/07 5:29 am, edited 10/4/07 5:29 am - IN

At St. V's you do the eval which is anywhere from 30-60 minutes and you also complete a written test that takes about 90 minutes. I also had to complete another written test (a full MMPI) which took another 90 minutes.  The total cost was $120.00.  Why can't the test be done on the same day as the consult?


(deactivated member)
on 10/4/07 10:10 pm - Terre Haute, IN
I believe my psych evaluation was $115. I did it through St. Vincent. You might ask if you can choose your own psychologist to do the evaluation. As long as they're licensed I would think that would be okay. You might be able to find one for less???
on 10/4/07 10:35 pm - IN
i am allowed to choose my own.  I chose one that was close.  i already made the appointment
Jenny K.
on 10/5/07 2:35 am - IN
To save close to $300.00 I think I would cancel the appt. and get in with St. V's psych.  You may even be able to get in sooner.
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/5/07 7:29 am - Brownsburg, IN
I picked my own physc and only paid 80.  for each visit.  i ahd 2 visits and my insurance paid.  I only had a 20. co-pay.  Everyone keeps talking about a test.  I never done a test.  I went to one in Danville by the Lo-Bills.  Can't remember her name.  If you want me to try and find out for you I will..Just let me know.. Dawn
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