Sorry, I havent been on in FOREVER!!!

megan K.
on 10/3/07 11:30 am - beech grove , IN

Hey everyone, whats going on? I have been going crazy trying to get done with school work that I have not had time to sit down and have me time let along get on the internet. So, how is everyone? Anything new going on? Anyone been recently approved for surgery? I am going to meet with my doctor this month!! I only have 3 more months of diet appointments before surgery!!! In the last week I have found out my son is "UNDERWEIGHT" for his age. He has been sick with an ongoing cold for the last 6 months and an ear infection for the last 2 months. This is causing him to get sick a lot which is not helping the problem. He is 17 pounds and 10 months old. He is in the lower 5% part for his age. I am VERY worried about this, especially since my doctor and I both agreed not to put him on weight gaining formula since the family history of obesity is so high... But then my 3 1/2 year old is over 44 lbs and 42 inches tall, putting her at the 95% part all around... So my son is the underweight short child and my daughter is the chubby-TALL child(she dont look fat but she looks like I did at her age which scares me). So I have been REALLY busy worrying about my son and doing homework and cleaning house!!!

on 10/3/07 9:27 pm - Elwood, IN
Hey Megan!  I just got approved by insurance yesterday!! YAY!  I'm sorry to hear you son has been sick, I'm sure things will get better, and if your daughter is tall perhaps she'll grow into her weight.  I wish ya well!
Jenny K.
on 10/3/07 9:39 pm - IN
Hey Megan, Disregard my post on your post about stuff you are selling.  I was asking what happened to you, then I saw this post. Sorry to hear your son has been sick. I wouldnt worry to much about his weight at this point.  My daughter was the same way and now she is having problems with her weight being too high.   I think with your daughter maybe you and here start exercising together, get a fun exercise DVD and do it together, it will teach her to start exercising and help her and also help you as well.  Just a thought.   Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/4/07 8:15 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Megan, Awe sweetie, I've been wondering where you had been! I feel for you (and all moms of young ones). Back in my day, the doc would measure your child and say 'yep, gonna be a big boy' or 'hmmm you must have some shorties in your family'. And that's it. The WIC office though would give the projectiles. Jay was suppose to grow up to be average weight but 7' tall (he's 6', 260 lb). Tiff was suppose to be above average in height & weight for a girl...she's barely 5'2"! Well..they did get the baove average weight right I guess. Tiff has 3 kids. The first two are right in there percentile & projectile wise. The baby though isn't. As he got to walking, he naturally lost his baby fat and so his weight dropped from one visit to the next at the doctor's office. His height is very slow coming. I don't know how many inches he is, but it doesn't take much to look at him and tell that yes, he's a shorty. is his Mom as well as his great-grandparents! Hmmmm...think it might come naturally? My mom is ~5'2", Tiff's dad's parents were each barely 5'. Shoot, my dad is the only one of that generation that did have a little bit of height on him (at 6'4"). You'd think that common sence would say 'yep, there's gonna be a short one or two out of this family tree'. Instead, the doctors want to get Tiff all concerned too. They wanted to raise a big deal over RJ losing that baby fat too. You ought to see this kid put away food! He definately eats...but he also walks, runs, crawls, plays! They were talking growth hormone for him too but  decided to back off and give the kid a chance to grow naturally. Hmm...seeing the clothing sizes you had for sale, I would guess that your little boy is coming up on his 1st birthday. Am I right? Just in time for teething....colds & ear infections! I know it can worry you to death, but it's a natural, normal doesn't mean youe son is sickly..he just needs those darn toothies to come in. I wouldn't get to concerned about your daughters height/weight right now either. Just be sure you don't let her grow up to be a couch potato and she'll be fine. In other words Mom, your kids are going to be fine and the more you stress over it, the less fine YOU will be. Be sure you are all eating right, drinking right, sleeping right, and exercising right...and everything will be...right. I hopeto see you on here more often hon...I've missed you. You're like my online! And now I've given you a reply worthy of an online Mamaw! Hahahaha!! Yes, it is pretty much what I told Tiff about RJ and the other grandkids too. huggs.... Sherri


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