stopping 2 say hey and let everyone know im ok
ive not been on in a while i been dealing with problems every since surgery from dehydrating and low potassium and kidney problems NOW bronchial pneumonia with plurisy im really feeling like crap i been going in every 2 weeks for fluid n potassium its really getting old and now trhis sickness has my body so worn down i can barley acomplish the things i need to do--i did have 1 full week where i wasnt feeling to bad then boom i started getting this cold and cough cough cough that wont go away and nyquill isnt even helping it-dr huges suggested robitussium dm and isnt not helping either i cant seem to get any relief and the plurisy just hurts so bad to even cough or move-potassium liquid is just the horrible stuff ever i ghag every time i try n drink it-my potassium level has been running 2.8??? i have lost 55 pounds since aug 8 thats great but i ask my self now that would really be great if i had the wellness to go along with the weight loss attitude! im just sooooo depressed life seems so much more diffcult not feeling well--hope everyone has been dooing ok
You poor thing. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon! I think I'd see a pcp about that bronchial pnumonia though. It sounds like you need something stronger that NyQuil to kick it. Just be sure to stress that liquid antibiotics is best (ask the pharmacist to put flavoring in it to offset the horrible taste though!!). Capsules has done me zero amount of good as they go right through me undissolved and many antibiotics come in capsule form instead of tablet. Try sitting in your warm shower with the bathroom door closed. That always helped me in my younger days. Pre-99, I would get bronchitis with plurisy about 4-5 per year. After I moved to the concrete city of Indy and away from being in the middle of cornfields Clinton, the brochittis hybernated.
I've heard of a few other folks with a potassium deficiency. Did you have problems with it pre-op? I think the others did but it increased post-op.
I'm sure it'll all start coming together soon for you!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
hi there! how r u feeling? i read where u wernt feeling to swell sure hope things are going better for you! as for me ive been seeing my family dr for this bronchial pneumonia shes got me on my 2nd round of amoxcillion liquid--and as for the potassium no ive not had any problems with it pre op they got me on potassium liquid which i had flavored but i gag every time i try n take it the flavoring didnt do any good at all i cant get it down it just makes me puke every time-i go back fri for more blood test- my throat dont feel right sorta feels like its enclosing that sound weird? fluids dont even taste right and i can barley eat---