Happy Wednesday!

LaChelle R.
on 10/2/07 8:30 pm - Erie, PA
It is the start of my work week, and I am really dreading it.  I took the girls horseback riding last night, and had a blast, until I was getting off the saddle.  My foot slipped as I was dismounting, and I fell from the side of the horse and landed on the ground. It didn't hurt, since I wasn't on a very tall horse.  I just jarred my back, since I landed on my rear.  Now, this morning, I can TELL that I fell last night. My back hurts so much that I can hardly move.  It hurts to breathe even. I know that I didn't crack a rib, because that it almost instant pain, but the way I feel this morning, I would have to argue whether I did or not. Oh well. Life must still go on, and on that note, it is time to get the girls up and ready for school, and then I have to get ready for work myself. Have a wonderful Wednesday!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 10/2/07 9:17 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Good morning! LaChelle..so sorry that you fell last night. Don't wait around on that not being able to breathe thing. Get it checked out. I have my one week check-up today. Since I just saw Dr. B on Monday, it's not going to seem that it's a 'one week' one to her I'm sure..lol. I really could have slept some more this morning but the appt is at 10 so gotta leave here at 9. That only leaves 2 hours to hopefully have to have a bm, then a shower & get this garment washed, iced back up and dressed. That seems like it takes a half a day. We may wait on the washing it until tomorrow (since it was washed FNALLY yesterday) and the icing till we get home. I'm kinda anxious to get the garment off today to see if those blisters are looking any better or not. Last night was pretty uneventful. I'm still not really breathing 'normal' but oh so much better! One trip at getting up to go potty (which, the pc room is right accross from my bathroom), I wandered into the pc room and found an IM from MistyLynn. If anyone (including you Misty..lol) would like to get hold of me through MySpace or Yahoo messenger (sweetsherri61 for both), just drop me an IM and I'll reply as soon as I'm back by my pc (ie..next bathroom trip...lol). I know. Not too 'instant' about that but if I'm physically able to sit for awhile at my desk, I will so we can chat a few minutes. Hey Sam...BariatricEating got in their first trucks of AO on Monday. Not their entire order though so they are filling first orders first. I think mine should be of the first. I am so looking forward to having my AO again!! I do gotta say though that Floyd & Brenda turned me on to some fat-free beef sticks that are only 60 cal each with 13 grams of protein. Calorie per protein, that is 6 more grams (in 2 sticks) than  in a bottle of AchievOne (120 cal/20 g protein). Best thing is that they also taste very good! (Brenda & Floyd...did you see my post about needing some more? 2 boxes again would be terrific! Thanks.). Have a good Wednesday. I'll let you know how the check up goes. I'm hoping to get a drain tube (or three...lol) removed. Sherri ps...while I was at St. V's, I went down to the 2nd floor & visited and met a very nice woman named RuthAnn. Ruth had her RNY 2 weeks ago and was doing good but had a pre-existing hernia that was strangulated..and so had to have it removed. She seemed to be doing very well. She has access to the internet but doesn't get on it. Didn't anyway. I told her about our wonderful family here and invited her to check us out. I hope she does. You know, it is so wonderful to meet these new people. I wish I could had done it feeling better but I never have the time to when I'm not laid up.


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
on 10/2/07 10:14 pm - Lawrence, IN
Sherri, We hadn't seen your earlier post, so glad you mentioned it again.  Brenda placed the order and we'll let you know as soon as we get them.  Hopefully we'll get them before we go on vacation.  Brenda leaves Friday morning and I'll go after work next Wednesday. Hope you start to feel even better.  Take care, Floyd

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Cindy P.
on 10/3/07 12:58 am - Indianapolis, IN
Hey Floyd, I can't make the support group tonight, so I thought I'd ask now:  What kind of beef sticks are you guys ording?  I'm always on the look out for stuff I can keep handy for quick meals or easy snacks when I have to work late, etc. Thanks for the info.

on 10/3/07 3:38 am - Lawrence, IN
Cindy, Sorry we won't get to see you tonight.  The beef sticks we get are by Sci-Fit and are high in protein.  They are also fat free.  We keep them in the glove compartment of the truck and they don't get greasy no matter how hot it gets.  They are great and taste real good.  We prefer the terriyaki, but they also have an original flavor and a black peppered one.  Remind me before we see each other again and I'll bring you one to try. Floyd

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Cindy P.
on 10/3/07 4:39 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks Floyd.  I'll look forward to it.

(deactivated member)
on 10/3/07 8:04 am - Greenfield, IN
YAY!  I am dying for my AO! Had to have a root canal today...ugh!  Better than the pain I had been having so I'll deal.
Jenny K.
on 10/2/07 9:18 pm - IN
Hope you get to feeling better soon.  I have been thrown off, bucked off, jumped off of so many horses.  I know your pain. It is raining here in Albany, so its yucky out.  Guess it is that time of year.  1 week from today is the big day for me.  Excited & nervous all in 1.  Have a good day at work. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 10/3/07 1:50 am - LaGrange, KY
Just saying hey :) I dont have much to say without whining soo I'll leave it at that..
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