Im proud of myself!! NEW information on IN medicaid!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 10/1/07 10:37 am - IN
I called medicaid today because I wasnt getting a good answer from Dc allens insurane girl.  She told me one: I needed ALL of the tests on my list...incudeing a doplar, and a thousand other tests im to young for... two: she is telling me that the nurse doesnt now what shes talking about when it comes to insurance...ok this girl has been on the job for only a MONTH!!! I think the nurse would now,,shes been there a LOT longer.  SO I took matters into my own hands.  I called medicaid!!! Last time I called i got a very rude girl who said she didnt now what I was talking about..and wouldnt refur me to someone else.  Today I got a guy who was awsome!!!  I told him what was going on and he told me this: I only need to do what my doctor feels I need..hints why it was highlighted.  he said that each center has its own one may say 6 mnths sup. diet, while one may say no sup diet but you need this test and that test. I told him that I know this becasue my nurse told me but this insurance girl keeps telling me that i need all of them, even though im to young for 99% of them.  He said I did the right thing, and that the EKG, blood work and xray I got where fine.  I asked if it was enough to get me covered, he said yes, as long as its what my surgen/doctor asked for.  I said It was but this girl has it in her mind I need all of them, including the doplar, and respitory crap.  He said at 29, i am to young, its going to cost medicaid to much, and it might not be covered becasue its not nessacary.  So for all you IN med, people!!!1 make sure you are doing what your doctor tells you!! please...if you are having issues wiht your insurance girl/guy, call med and tell them..ask questions.  On the front of you card..there is a web site..go there, go to contact us, and then click on the very bottom highlighted thingy..its in the last parapgraph..not at the bottom of the page.  Once you get the new page, find the member 1800 number and call it.  Please ask questions!!! You can also ask me. this guy told me a ton!!!
on 10/1/07 10:53 am - LaGrange, KY
Good for you for being proactive for yourself. Good luck.
(deactivated member)
on 10/1/07 10:55 am - IN
ty!! Ive been trying for this for 2 years now..theres no way in you now where some girl who nows jack is going to tell me something that will get me billed for things med wont cover
Lee Ann B.
on 10/2/07 11:09 am - Indianapolis, IN
DS on 11/14/12
I am also going through Dr Allen and had a list of the test he requires given to me at the time of my consult with him.  I faxed all the documents in and then started calling on a twice a week routine. Bridgette is the girl who used to do the pre-approvals but now it is Kelly (even though Bridgette's name is still on the voicemail). I finally got nowhere with her and decided to go straight to Reta-Dr Allen's nurse. She is the only one there that seems to know what the heck they are doing.  Also...just to cover your rear with Allen...have Medicaid send it to you in writing!  They will switch their stories to you and the Dr office so this way you will have the proof to show the Dr office. We have clients all the time that have problems with this when Medicaid denies payment for procedures and the client says "they told me I was covered". Its a negative way of thinking...but when its your money on the line for non -payment, it is actually a cover your butt way of thinking. I know I have enough to pay for without adding more to it! Do you have medicare disability too?
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