I hope I passed the test so far!
I am on my liquid diet before surgery, which is 1 week from tomorrow. Normally my life is not that hectic but it was this week end. Yesterday I was a judge at a birthday party at my Pastors wifes church (she is a Pastor also) and it was loaded with food! Then we had a surprise birthday party at a Mexican restaurant (my favorite no less!) for my best friends husbands birthday and there was food! Then today I had a baby shower for my DH cousins daughter and that was loaded with guess what! MORE FOOD!! I told DH that God is either telling me I don't need it or he is in one of His Don Rickles moods! I had ice water at the 1st gathering, Crystal light for the 2nd, and for the 3rd I had Crystal light and banana pudding and strawberry banana jell-o. I think that I passed the test but I hope the tests are done for the rest of the week.
Tomorrow I have my pre-op appointment with the nurse and the last visit to my heart doctor and then I am finished until the big day. The liquids aren't so bad and I can't say that I wanted any of the food this week end.
Maybe it's God's way of letting you know that since you did so great not eating the no-no foods when your stomach COULD handle it that you should have no fears about not doing the right thing when your tummy can't handle it. Fantastic job! I'm not so sure I could have maintained a totally post-op diet pre-op and I am first, so thankful my surgeon didn't require that but secondly, in total awe of those who suceed with this so wonderfully as you are!
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...