Quinntin Is Here!!!!
Jo, Congrats sweetie! At St. V's, when a baby is born, they play part of a lullabye (I can't never remember the name of it...Brahm's maybe??) over the intercom for the entire hospital to hear. I heard it go off twice about 4 hours apart while I was in the ER Friday night and thought of you and Quintin. (Later, I heard it go off twice within minutes of each other and thought of Ellen's grandbabies...lol). There's nothing like hearing that sweet music and knowing what it means!
I hope little Quin is home or will be home soon. Congrats again to you and your three men. love ya! Sherri
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...