Percentage of people that regain

Jenny K.
on 9/29/07 7:33 am - IN

I was wondering if anyone knew the % of people that have WLS that regains.  I am a little worried about this, I read people's posts that they are starting to gain back or they are having revisions because they have gained it back.  How common is this?   I read posts where people can eat sweets and this scares me.  How do I get thru this?  Is it normal to feel this way? 

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

Julie Boyd
on 9/29/07 9:01 am - highland, IN

   You know you have brought a really good thing to light. I was wondering about that myself. HMMMM I have an appointment on tuesday and I'm gonna ask Dr. Cahill about that. Thanks for bringing that up.


Surgery day- 12/11/2007

"If it aint my problem then it aint a problem" 




(deactivated member)
on 9/29/07 10:53 am - Terre Haute, IN
I would think alot of it depends on your determination and habits. I'm not sure, because I'm only 10 months out, but that 's my guess. 
Annette C.
on 9/29/07 10:54 am - Danville, IN
From the studies that I have read there is a nominal regain (5-10 pounds) for most people from their lowest achieved weight.  Twenty percent (no matter which surgery) will regain enough weight to be termed obese again.  Very few regain all of their weight back. I know you've heard this before are being given an incredible tool.  It is up to you how well you use it.  As far as the people who eat sweets, overeat, or graze their way back to obesity...they have not overcome the issues that caused them to become overweight in the first place.  Counseling is your best defense, either prior to surgery and/or after.  I went through food addiction counseling.  It was the best thing I could have done.

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

on 9/29/07 11:48 am - Richmond, IN

Jenny, Im right there with you.  I have no idea how or why so many ppl need revisions.  Im just over a yr out and Ive lost almost 190 lbs.  I still have 40 to go.  It totally scares that HecK out of me that I could ever gain that wt back.  Thats why I totally freaked out this week after I had candy.  I wish I had never tried any sugar after my surgery.  The best thing u can ever do is when u have it out of your system...keep it out!!!!   Thats just my suggestion.   My goal right now is to get it out of my system and never touch it again.  I dont know how realist it is but its my goal    After all....I know now I can eat sweets and it doesnt make me dump at all...    I so wi**** would make me sick as a dog...might keep me from ever trying it again. 

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on 9/30/07 9:34 pm - Indianapolis, IN
The best advise an oldie like me (3 yr post-op) can give any newbie is to go into this with the mindset that 'If I eat sugar, I will get deathly sick'. Do NOT go into it with the attitude of 'Oh, I hope I'm one who does'. That is setting yourself up for failure. And if you are like Pamela and have strayed once or twice, get and keep the mindset of 'wow, I was damn lucky that time, I better not pu**** or the next time, I may not be'.  The ONLY thing I have had knowing it has sugar is a sliver of pumpkin pie..but I also know that very little sugar goes into pumpkin pie. I know post-ops who have had birthday cake within the first year of being post-op! I know a post-op that will eat 2 little bags of M&M's at each setting. I know a post-op that will finish off a 1 lbs block of dark chocolate within 2 days. So yes, I know post-ops who don't dump and who also unfortunately, also does regain their weight! They are making the same stupid choices they made pre-op. So...if you don't want to regain, don't re-eat! Bottom line is that this HAS TO BE a LIFESTYLE CHANGE. If it isn't, you will not have long-term sucess. I am NOT a supporter of never-ever having another sweet food! I am a supporter however of making sure that anything you have is a wise decision. I go with a small portion of sugar-free what-ever. Taste yummy and takes care of that craving. One final note. All revisions are not due to weight regain. I had to have a revision when I was 6 months post-op because my stoma kept closing up and when they'd do an endo on it to stretch it out, it'd rip because it got brittle. So They had to go in and remove the brittle tissue from the intestine and move where the attachment was to an opening that wasn't brittle also, and staple off where the initial opening was. I know others whose revisions were also due to complications as mine was and nothing to do with over-eating or stretching out their stoma. I have also read where several people are going that route and it does make me wonder if they'd be successful if the surgeons required them to get back doing what they are suppose to be doing instead (watching portions, drinking WATER, exercising, watching what they eat). I'm glad Annette put the stats. I knew that it is common to regain 5-20 lbs from your lowest weight when you go into the maintance phase (~2 yr post-op). You can contue to lose though. Just very slowly. I'm proof of that. I do think if the stats were redone though, they would see that the larger regains regains (~50% or more overweight) is probably higher than they think. Unfortunately, these folks also avoid their surgeon at all cost because they are embarassed. The best thing is just try your best not become one of the statisitcs (other than the normal 5-20 lbs). Sherri


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Jenny K.
on 10/1/07 12:15 am - IN
Thanks everyone!  I guess I am just a little confused on what you eat long term.  I have read so many different posts about different things.  I guess I should not be so much concerned about that and just follow what the nut tells me.   Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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