Percentage of people that regain
I was wondering if anyone knew the % of people that have WLS that regains. I am a little worried about this, I read people's posts that they are starting to gain back or they are having revisions because they have gained it back. How common is this? I read posts where people can eat sweets and this scares me. How do I get thru this? Is it normal to feel this way?
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
Jenny, Im right there with you. I have no idea how or why so many ppl need revisions. Im just over a yr out and Ive lost almost 190 lbs. I still have 40 to go. It totally scares that HecK out of me that I could ever gain that wt back. Thats why I totally freaked out this week after I had candy. I wish I had never tried any sugar after my surgery. The best thing u can ever do is when u have it out of your system...keep it out!!!! Thats just my suggestion. My goal right now is to get it out of my system and never touch it again. I dont know how realist it is but its my goal After all....I know now I can eat sweets and it doesnt make me dump at all... I so wi**** would make me sick as a dog...might keep me from ever trying it again.
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