help morning sickness and nausea all day

on 9/28/07 3:09 am - Linton, IN

This being pregnant stuff is really getting to me.  Any ideas on how to deal with the morning sickness and the nausea that last all day long?

I haven't been on for a while the only time my stomach is feeling halfway ok is if I am laying in bed.  I have been off work for a week and laying in bed for most of the time.   I hope all is well for everyone and that everyone has a great day.  Well I am back off to bed for a while and then it is back to work tonight.

Kylie  303-169-135 
Jan M.
on 9/28/07 3:54 am - Waterloo, IN
my prenancies were a long time ago and before RNY.  I didn't have any nausea with my first but for my second child if got hungry I would get very nauseous.  I always kept crackers with me or ate just a little something every hour to keep it away.  don't know if this will hep you but this too shall pass (in 9 months that is)
on 9/28/07 4:39 am - Crawfordsville, IN
With my 3rd child, I was sick all the time and ate anything with cinnamon in it, applesauce, cinnamon toast, stuff like that.  It was suppose to help with the nausea, it did some. Hope you get some relief.  I have been nauseated for almost 2 weeks now off and on of course I'm not pregnant but I can say I know what u are feeling right now for sure. 
on 9/29/07 11:01 am - IN
I'm so sorry you're feeling icky. Have you tried sipping peppermint or hot doesn't matter. I always liked made my tummy feel worse. Also, if it gets really bad, talk to your doc about Phenagren(sp) suupositories. I had severe morning sickness with my son and waited way too long to get these. They really work and are safe for the baby. Hugs, Angie
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