My son is in the hospital!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
I am so sorry to hear your having a rough time. I know it cant be easy. I have been having problems with my daughter she has oppositional defiant disorder along with Tourette Syndrome. I am getting ready to take her to a psychiatrist in Anderson but couldnt get in until November. She told me the other day she hoped I died in surgery, she cusses at me. Lies, very deceitful and hateful. It is just terrible. I have been told I need to admit her into inpatient mental health, but it is just so hard to make myself do that. Taking her to this new psychiatrist is the final step. If that dont work then I am going to have to do the inpatient. Hang in there! You will make it thru this, just trust in yourself. Dont hold in your feeling, talk to people, it isnt any good to let it build up. Jenny