I'm home and my recent story...
So this is what happened. Some of this is what I've been told not that I remember.
Soo I got to the ER with 102 temp on 9/11 and they took me back yanked my picc line and started me on antibiotics. We thought that was the end of it and I'd be home soon. Then on Wednesday my fever wasn't breaking and I had been having dizzy episodes and issues where Rich and all had been yelling at me for a day or two bout rolling my eyes back but I wasn't doing it on purpose. They told the doc bout it but it was brushed off..
So on Wednesday evening I was sitting in bed and got really dizzy/tired all the sudden. My mom went out and told my nurse something wasn't right because I was "twitching and my eyed were rolled back" and then she said the next thing she knew they were calling a rapid response code and everyone came running into the room. She called Richs mom who went and got him from work ( i told him go to work because i thought I'd be out soon enough) I woke up a couple days later on Friday afternoon fully and was on a cooling blankets (or should I say sheeets of ice and also I had ice packs in every frigging crevice, under my arms etc****pt having weird dreams of my dad and he kept telling me it was okay to come. It's really weird to this day. I guess apparently when they were trying to keep me consience during the seizures i was telling them my dad kept telling me the Colts suck, I don't remember this.
On Friday Rich went and picked my little brother up because things were really iffy still and I was in ICU. Later that evening I started seizing again but had bruising on my chest from compressions and stuff come to find out and some massage things they try when you seize and a male nurse that evening had hit me so hard in the chest while trying to stop another seizure that he bruised me badly and then when I came to crying he kicked all my family out and so my mom got a nursing supervisor to change my nurse. he hit me hard enough it brought me out of the seizure into tears and I need respiratory. Richard and my brother almost got arrested because it left a huge bruise then he said as long as I needed pain meds I couldn't have visitors. I had infectious disease docs and all there checking me out a lot..
I finally got moved out of ICU I think on Sunday or Monday.
On Wednesday they took me in and took my gall bladder out (hoping that was the cause of all my nausea and a hydro scan showed it wasn't working properly) and they inserted a Gtube (feeding tube) that I have to put boost shakes and nutritional stuff and crushed meds and stuff in 4 times a day for feedings. I took some pics to document my journey.
My fever has been broke since last weekend.
Overall since wednesday since surgery other then being sore and having some pain in the GTUbe spot and being nauseated from tube feeding I have been feeling somewhat better.
I managed to walk almost 15 miles in the hospital since Wed bcause I just couldn't get comfortable. Also we have no clue why my hematocrit and hemaglobin plummetted I ended up needing 3 units of blood or something... my hemaglobin dropped to 5i****hink they said.
I got priveledges to leave the floor of the hospital on Saturday I think and soo I was going and updating on the obesity help board. Anyways thats really about all for now. I will post some pics later...
Praise the Lord that you are out and home!!! You have certainly been thru the ringer, and I know it has to only get better now. You need to get as much rest as possible and take it as easy as you can. Let us know how you are doing, just rest.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Boy, what an experience- geez
!!!! Now that you are home-stay there-no more hospital visits
I don't mean ot preach, but I care about you so please do what you know you need to do to stay well- sip lots of fluids, get that protein in and take care of yourself. No one can do it for you, so girlfriend- go for it! I am cheering you on to a uneventful complete recovery!
((((healing hugs))))

(((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#
Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#