Good morning friends. I do a morning humor post on the Men's forum and thought I would see if you folks might enjoy starting your day off with a smile. If not let me know and I will discontinue them.
Here is why many of us Methodist have weight issues.
A kindergarten teacher gave her class a "show and tell" assignment. Each student was instructed to bring in an object to share with the class that represented their religion.
The first student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Benjamin and I am Jewish and this is a Star of David."
The second student got up in front of the class and said, "My name is Mary. I'm a Catholic and this is a Rosary."
The third student got in up front of the class and said, "My name is Tommy. I am Methodist, and this is a casserole."
If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]
You will be added to our daily prayers. One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS. Pastor Dan
good morning all
dan it is good to see you posting , i know with a briken arm it must be rough. i hope you are feeling a bit better, and god love you and your loving wife( for taking care of you ) i havent posted much lately i been very busy working over time at work and spending time with jim. i am looking foward to the clothing exchange, i need a few things for winter and have a lot to bring ,
i love this time of year, the weather starts cooling down a bit and the crispness in the air. i am getting to the point o start getting cool of an evening but not cold(yet, i know it will happen)
i think the ulcers are well on there way of healing, i am able to eat now and the pounds are starting to come off again. i got up this morning and hit the scales and i am down 120 pounds..for the first time i am starting to see a change. jim says he has seen it for a long time , but i have been so use to seeing the fat me that i just couldnt see it till i had on a shirt that was a bit form fitting then i noticed it. dont get me wrong i now its happening because of my clothes but looking in the mirror i just didnt till last night.
well i have rattled enough i am going ot get laundry started and think about eating.
pamala if you see this i am going ot send my new number in a private post or shoot me yours lunch or dinner would just rock for us and will be good to see you ,.
love yo all
Im meeting Vicki at Montana Mikes on 9 in Greenfield if anyone wants to join us. I know its short notice but we make plans at the last
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This is my favorite online site for shopping
That was really funny, Dan! I would have to agree, please continue to post the funnies........we all need something to lift up our spirits from our daily grind!!!
Have a wonderful night!

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!