Still bored at St V's....update on me
Just wanted to update yall. I was hoping to go home today but Dr Gupta (filling in for Dr Cacucci this weekend) said no way because I'm not getting enough fluids and food and all and since I won't be on TPN at home then I'm not allowed to go home until I'm eating enough. Side note : They don't have the low carb nutritional supplements here. WHich stinks because I'm dumping on the ensure or boost or whatever it is theyre giving me in my G tube. Anyways I'm bored and cannot get any rest at all it seems. I can't get comfortable no matter what. I'm just soo thankful that they gave me a pass to leave the floor!!! I don't know what I'd do if I was still confined to the floor.
Anyways I've done over 200 laps since Wednesday when I had my gall bladder/gtube surgery because I just cannot rest. Anyways if anyone is gonna be having surgery tomorrow or something I will be happy to stop in and say hello!!
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Yes they do have those shakes with the Instant Breakfast. I drank those all the time!! Maybe they don't put those in the Gtube. It is really time for you to step up to the plate and do your part now. You have to start getting all your fluids in and getting your body used to eating again. Now that they have corrected the problem (Gall bladder) you've got to follow through with what you are supposed to do. If you don't , you counld just end up back at St. Vs!! I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!! Start sip,sip,sipping and eating really slowly!
Hoping and praying for you!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!

"Let's get small." - Steve Martin