OT- prayers please for SIL

on 9/19/07 2:11 pm - Thorntown, IN
Tonight we got a call from our niece that Dana's  lil Sis was in emergancy surgery. They found both of her lungs had collapsed full of fluid. They had done a cat-scan on Mon. and she's been in severe pain. They did surgery to remove the fluid on her left lung, and found it full of cancer. She has stage 4 Ovarian Cancer, and it is totally gone from her stomach now. They put talcum powder in her lung to create scar tissue so her lung won't fill so quickly.Her family all knows ,but she won't be told until the Dr. comes in the morning. Now the decision has to be made whether to do the other lung, and more chemo. She has been doing 3 types of chemo for the past 3 months- for lungs, liver and the ovarian. It all depends on Karen & her hussband. They are so close, and he is really devistated. They have 3 grown children, 8 grandkids, & 4 great-grandkids ( yep, started early).Of course the family is taking it hard. Karen is such a positive person and has really lived her life the way she's wanted the past 1 1/2 yrs. There are so many tough decisions to be made - and Dana is having a hard time with all of this. They are 11 months apart, more like twins, and he always was her protector when they were kids, and very close.He lost his dad to cancer also, plus several female family members.  Thanks in advance for your prayers, & thoughts. God is our Healer Redeemer- we are all praying for healing if it is His will, and for peace & acceptance, if it is not. (((hugs))) Ellen
  (((BIG HUGS)))
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#  Loving God,family,friends & life!!!
Linda Kay
on 9/19/07 7:18 pm - Mooresville, IN
Will be praying for tender mercys fro Sister in law and Dana.. So sorry... would be hard pressed myself should it happen to one of my sisters..(I have 5). Thank you father for you tender mercies at this time of need. I ask that you wrap your arms around Dana and his sister and the family as you work in their lives. Father we know that healing comes in many forms and not always the ones we choose but leaving her in your loving hands is the best we can do. Allow us peace during this trying time. Thanks you in advance for your touch in their lives.
on 9/19/07 8:22 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Ellen, I am so sorry to hear this about Karen! Please know that I will be keping her as well as the rest of your family in my thoughts and prayers!If there is anything that I can do please let me know- could you send me an addy, I would love to sned her a special thought, since she was so kind as to help me during our time of need! I will be thinking of Dana as well. I know this would be tough on me as well and am sure he could use some extra thoughts and prayers also during this most difficult time! Love ya both and hoping for the best outcome possible! Hugz Dawn

              I  MY RNY!!!

on 9/19/07 9:41 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Ellen, I am so sorry that you & your family have this to go through. I will definately keep Karen, Dana, and both of their families in my thoughts & prayers.



Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Annette C.
on 9/19/07 10:23 pm - Danville, IN
Keeping you all in my prayers. Love you,

I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...

LaChelle R.
on 9/19/07 10:33 pm - Erie, PA
You and your family are all in our prayers. May Gods blessing rain down upon you and give you the peace you need.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 9/19/07 10:43 pm - IN
So sorry to hear this.  I will keep your family in my prayers. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 9/19/07 11:24 pm - KOKOMO, IN
Ellen Karen and family has been added to our ministry prayer list. Dan & Ann

If you have a prayer request whether WLS or personal, please visit our website at www.packardministries.org and click on PRAYER or email me at [email protected]

  You will  be added to our daily prayers.   One of our ministry objectives is to support those having or had WLS.   Pastor Dan 





on 9/20/07 1:59 am - Wabash, IN
Ellen~ My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...May God wrap your family in his loving arms and give you comfort and peace. (((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))) Janene

Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

Cindy P.
on 9/20/07 2:27 am - Indianapolis, IN

Hi Ellen, I'm so sorry to hear this.  I'll keep you, Dana and your family in my thoughts.



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