Dinner: Monday. September 24th at 6pm
You're welcome to join us at Lincoln Square Monday night at 6pm for dinner!
So far, it's Annette, Floyd & Brenda, and Bill & I.
Lincoln Square is located on 21st Street (east side of Indy) between Shadeland & Franklin. If you need directions, just let me know where you're coming from.
The food is mainly American food....Bill's favorite is their thick grilled pork chops. I have several faves...lol. They also have selections of Greek, Mexican, and Oriental fare.
Let us know if you're interested in joining us so we'll know to get a big enough table.
This will be the last activity I'll be able to join in on for awhile since my plastics is the next morning at 7 AM so I'm looking forward to spending the evening with my buddies!
Edited: The information for Lincoln Square is:
7308 E. 21st
Indianapolis 46219
*The exit off of I-70 to Shadeland is closed. The closest open exit is Post Road. Off of Post, turn south, then turn right at 21st. If you are coming from the west, let me know from where & we'll try to get directions to you so that you can avoid 'Super 70'.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
You all have fun!! The south West Hoosier Loosers are meeting next Wed night at El Rodeo at 6:30. There will be Peggy, Me, Angie and we are calling Deb since she rarely has time to get on any more. It is at the Ameriplex on Hwy 67 just south of 465. We decided Angie needed some cheering up as she is going thru a tough time right now... and Mexican ALWAYS puts a little spark into her.. even for a few minutes!!
Linda kay
You have mail....
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Wow! We get to meet Mr. P finally!!! Woo-hoo! LOL!
Give me a call (you still have my cell #?) and Bill can give you exact direction for from where you are...it would all depend on what's easier for you...465 or 70.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...