Psyche and Nutrition classes

LaChelle R.
on 9/19/07 10:10 pm - Erie, PA

I have been wondering what the psych eval consists of........what kind of questions do they ask? how do they determine if you "pass" or "fail" this evaluation? What do you learn in your psyche eval?? I know that they supposedly ask you tons of questions, but I want to know the general questions. Just curious. Also, what about the nutrition classes? I know you are supposed to learn how to eat again, and how to prepare the foods, but what else do they teach you? I still have all of my nutrition books from culinary school, I wonder if those will help any? Any ideas or suggestions? I would love to hear experiences from each of your matter how long ago they were! I want to know it all! LOL  Nerd 1 

At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 9/19/07 10:29 pm - IN
I had my psych eval about a month ago with Dr. Stote at St. Vincent's.  Basically, he started with standard questions--how much schooling had I had?, did I use drugs?, alcohol?, any history of abuse?, what was my family like when I was growing up?, why do I want the WLS? (to which I wanted to reply "cause I am FAT, duh!!--but I managed to control myself! :) ), what limitations does my weight put on my life?--stuff like that.  Nothing scary or weird--just answer honestly and you will be fine.  As far as "passing" or "failing", I don't know what determines that.  I know my case had to be taken to the "committee" to be decided because I have a history of severe depression--but the committee decided I just needed to go to some support groups--so no problem! I haven't been approved for surgery through my insurance yet, so I don't know how the nutrition classes go--good luck!

Jenny K.
on 9/19/07 10:39 pm - IN
I didnt see the psychologist there at St. V's. I saw one near my home.  I think the basics are if you are ready for the surgery? Are you having it for the right reasons? Have you ever had any eating disorders?  What kind of changes are you going to make after the surgery?  What do you plan to do about exercise after surgery?  They faxed me a criteria to take to the psychiatrist I went to.  I will look to see if I still have it and post more on what the criteria was.   As far as the nut class. it is basic info you need to know to re-train your brain how to eat.  smaller bites, sips of fluids,  they tell you foods you can and cant have and when you can start eating certain foods.  The nutritionist spoke about 3 hours on her topics protein drinks, foods, etc. then we broke for lunch and the nurse spoke for the rest of the class.  It was very informative and interesting.  Usually lectures like that make you want to fall asleep, but this one didnt.  You learn about all the vitamins and different kinds, learn how to give yourself the Lovenox shot after you get home, etc.  You get a little lunch bag with a sippy cup and a baby spoon and a restaurant card to take to try and get discounts or kids meals.  They offer a cook book and a reading book that you can buy.  They talk a little bit about your surgery day and what to expect, where to go, where your family will go, etc. It is just all kinds of stuff you are learning that day.  I still keep reading my book they give you. Re-reading it, just to make sure I dont miss anything.   Hope this helps some! Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 9/19/07 10:49 pm - Erie, PA
"learn how to give yourself the Lovenox shot after you get home," I have to give myself a SHOT?!?!?!??!?! This is the first I have heard of this!!!! UGGGGGGGGGGGGH! I hate needles, and I know I would NEVER be able to give myself a shot! I need a  Nurse and an orderly to give me a shot!!!  Crazy Oh well, I guess I will have to get over that soon enough, now won't I! LOL 
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 9/19/07 10:48 pm - Indianapolis, IN

The nut class doesn't teach you how to cook. It does give you some nutritional guidelines such as 1 lg egg = 2 oz. A piece of meat the size of a deck of cards is ~4 oz. How to read nutritional labels on food products. That sort of thing. The main purpose of the class (imo) was to let you know what to expect post-op..start with 2 oz full liquids, then soft food, etc. St. V's gives you a pamplet (aka the yellow sheets) that spells it out pretty good for you as to how much of what is allowable when. Those sheets will become your dietary 'bible' your first year. The nuts at my class also handed out a kit whi*****luded lovenox..injections used to thin the blood post-op to help prevent blood clots from forming while you're healing.

The psyche exam...just be honest and it'll be fine. It's an hour of 50 questions. Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
LaChelle R.
on 9/19/07 10:52 pm - Erie, PA
I had not heard about any shots afterward until just now, so I am still in a state of shock over that one! I just don't know that I could give myself a shot...are you allowed to go to your pcp and have them do it??? I would hope so! I think all the color just drained from my face at the thought of having to give MYSELF a shot! LOL Yeah, I know, I am a wussy! lol
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jenny K.
on 9/19/07 11:02 pm - IN
Maybe your doctor wont have you do shots at home.  The docs at St. V's Bariatric Center do though.  They send a kit home that has a DVD in it that a family member can watch and give the shot to you.  It is a very little needle, much like a needle a diabetic uses to do their insulin. 
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

LaChelle R.
on 9/19/07 11:04 pm - Erie, PA
How many times will you have to give yourself the shot? Just curious.
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 9/20/07 12:00 am - Avon, IN
Once a day for 10 days after surgery so for about 7 days after you get home... they don't hurt at all... it's really simple... if you've ever had to ***** your finger to do a blood sugar test, well that hurts WAY worse then these shots you give them to yourself in the abdomen.... and lets face it right after surgery we all got enough cushion for the pincushion there!!! LOL


Julie Boyd
on 9/20/07 12:29 am - highland, IN
I like you LaChelle am shocked about the shot's. This is the first I have ever heard of them. What are they and what are they for????? Wow the thing's you learn on here.


Surgery day- 12/11/2007

"If it aint my problem then it aint a problem" 




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