Good Morning....
Good Morning Everyone,
I am up and getting ready to be off to work! Just wanted to check in and wish you a happy day! Hope all of you that were able to make it to dinner/seminar last night had a great time! I was hoping to make it but unable to at the last minute! If anyone has a copy of the book that I could borrow when they are done, I would appreciate it!
I have scheduled the Clothing Exchange- we are looking at the 27th of October. I should have the date finalized this afternoon but if not hopefully NO later than tomorrow! Keep looking for the final post!!!!
Hope evryone enjoys their days and has a wonderful journey, no matter where they are in it!
Hugz Dawn
The clothing exchanges take place every ~3 months. The last couple of them, Dawn has been gracious enough to arrange for us. These have been/will be on the east side of Indy. In the past, we have had them in neighboring cities however.
The clothing exchanges are for everyone at every step of the journey, pre- & post op. Because of past actions of a very FEW people, some rules do need to be put in place however:
1. Anyone is welcome to come..however..because people who are post-op are those who need the clothes the most, we do ask that those who are not even considering surgery to please wait 15 minutes after the actual exchange begins to give the post-ops a chance to look at the clothing first. We've had teeny little teen-age daughters of people come in and take all the size 6/8/10. These exchanges are NOT put together to clothe everyones children but to clothe US. We don't mind if they help themself to what is left though. I personally have gotten clothes for my daughters, sizes 24-28...but I wait until everyone is completely done to even start looking for them.
2. Bring clothes that are in season (otherwise, they will probably just end up in Goodwill), and in good shape (if there are rips & stains, throw them away at home). If you have good out-of-season items that you want to clear your closet of NOW, then just put a post on here. If anyone is interested, they'll let you know. If you want them to only go to a post-op, put that in your post.
3. We also have a food carry-in. You are not required to bring NOT critisize those who do! Not everyone has taken the pledge to never enjoy any food ever again. Some of us enjoy Splenda quite well. If you can't handle the food options, keep your mouth shut and just don't eat any. If you can't do that...don't come.
4. The tables of clothes get set up much like a yard sale only instead of by prices, by sizes. When you're helping someone get their clothes out on the tables, PLEASE do not be making your own personal 'mine' piles to be able to scoop them all up. You aren't the only person in your size.
After the tables are good to go, and the food is good to go, we say grace and then eat. After we eat, Dawn (or someone) will let make any announcements that need to be made and then give the 'go shop' go-ahead. This is for Pre/Post-Ops!! Non-surgery folks..time it...15 minutes...then you may shop as well.
I think that's about all there is to is. Oh! One last thing...if you don't like how something goes at a clothing exchange, OFFER suggestions HERE. Dawn is graceful enough to make the arrangements for us all. Don't expect her to be responsible for people's bad the clothing or at any other time.
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Dawn, Good morning! I just want to thank you for taking care of the clothing exchanges for us. I think you do a wonderful job!! I know that there are people who have grumbled & complained but I know that they could not have done any better than you, so girl, don't let them discourage you! Every person who goes to them should be thankful that you are willing to put yourself out there and do this!!! I know that I personally appreciate you doing this VERY much!! Let us know if the school is going to charge anything...k?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
WOOHOOOOOOOOO another clothing exchange...although..I was loking forward to it...I can't make this one either...Its my bday! so y'all have a great time and I wil be at the next one!
Thanks Dawn for all you do!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."