on 9/12/07 7:36 pm - Wabash, IN

Mornin' , I think!  This is tooooooooo early to be awake!  I am up and attem fixin to drive to Indy for my nut class more thing to check off before surgery in 2 weeks!!!! yeeeehaaaaaaw!!!! Y'all have a wonderful day and will catch y'all later!


Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."

LaChelle R.
on 9/12/07 8:15 pm - Erie, PA
Morning all!  Have a safe drive, Janene.  You have to prove that you are SANE today, not crazy! Just a reminder! lol   I feel like I just crawled back in bed.  Of course, I DH went fishing with one of our co-workers last night.  First time Jimmy has been fishing in years. Anyway, they went to this pond and caught 3 of the biggest channel catfish I have ever seen in my life! One of them weighed 20 pounds!  It was the same length as my legs!!! And I swear, it looked about as big around too!  They got home at midnight...........and by the time Jimmy had finally quit going on and on and on about that fi**** was almost 1:45! I didn't mind tho, because it was something that he enjoys and he never gets out to do anything, so it was good for him too.  I have taken a picture, and it may take me a few days to get it uploaded, but I will try to. Time to get the girls up for school. Talk about a chore! LOL  Have a great day! 
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
on 9/12/07 8:19 pm - Elwood, IN
I agree it's too early to be awake...even though it's now 6:21 in the am...I'm goin' back to bed!  Ya'all have a wonderful day!!
on 9/12/07 8:27 pm - Indianapolis, IN

Good morning everyone! Janene...I hope you have/had a good drive to/from Indy today. I also hope you had a good class as well. To me, the time was well spent and went by quick. I can imagine you're checking each day off the! I have this mental checklist thing going on too. Most of them are work-related. All... Only one more day then the weekend! Woo-hoo! Not that I'm SO excited about the weekend because I will most likely have to come in to work both's nice coming in when others aren't here. You get so much done that way!! Sometimes, I just want to tell certain people (ok, my boss) 'just go away and let me do my job!'. Yep, I need about 6 weeks away from Lillyville! I hope Missy & Misty are both doing better today. I know it's hard to get your fluids in, but cannot stress it enough to newbies that it is critical to your health that you do. I remember on days tha****er would make my tummy do flips that I'd crunch on sf popcyles (1.5 oz liquid per half of a twin pop). When food wouldn't settle right, I'd drink Swanson's chicken broth. They have one in a carton that is ~4-5 g of protein per serving. That is pretty darn good for broth! Not to mention, it also counts as 'liquid'. Welcome to all the newbies here. It's good to see you on here and I hope you become an active member.  New post-ops...hope you're all doing terrific and getting a thrill each day you step on the scales!!

I guess that leaves old-farts like me..haha! I DO mean 'old' as in +a year or so post-op, not in age!  I hope you're all doing good in continueing your journey either by losing or maintaining! I had asked Amy if we could have the weight loss post from yesterday as a sticky. She had replied that she couldn't because their policy is that only OH business can be a sticky. So....everyone *****sponded yesterday, I put their names & weights in a spreadsheet. The tally so far is 2222.5 pounds lost!!! Once a week (mondays??), I'll put in a post with who had what/when and the total up to then. If you want me to update your total lost or add you to the spreadsheet, all you'll need to do is reply to that post with you total amount lost. Have a really good Thursday! Sherri


Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Jenny K.
on 9/12/07 8:29 pm - IN
Good morning!  It is way to early to be up, but had to be at work early today. I just had my 6 hour nut class this past Tues.  it wasnt bad at all.  I figured it would be boring and I would be fighting to stay awake, but it was really very informative.  Hope the day goes fast for you at your nut class. Jenny
 Caduceus    Caduceus 

on 9/12/07 8:49 pm - Lawrence, IN
Morning everyone, Boy, you guys are really up early.  Usually there's no posts this early in the morning.   I've been busy updating the OFF Directory and the Hoosier Losers Directory.  We're getting a great response.  Based on some of the emails I'm getting, I think this will really help get more people involved in our "family", moving some lurkers to be more active.  I'm really looking forward to some of these people.  There's still lots of missing people tho, so pass the word about this project. Weather is pretty cool now.  I slept so good, but I'm not ready for cold weather yet.  It's hard enough to stay warm in this air conditioned building. Hope everyone has a great day! Floyd

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on 9/12/07 9:04 pm - IN

Good Morning. I have been up since 5:30 am- but that when I usually get up...a habit my mother passed to me. I usually get exhausted by mid afternoon(something I hope will change when I'm not carrying around 100+ extra lbs). I hope you have a great class today and remember if we were all as sane as they think we should be, life would be really boring Hugs, Angie

LaChelle R.
on 9/12/07 9:17 pm - Erie, PA
"if we were all as sane as they think we should be, life would be really boring" I love it! Thats my new life theme!!!  Have a great day!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!

You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
Jessica S.
on 9/12/07 9:17 pm - Noblesville, IN

Good morning all!   I received good news yesterday ... I'm approved for surgery!!   My initial consult date was 8/16, saw the psychiatrist 8/23, request to insurance went out on 8/30, and I received their response 9/12.  Less than 4 weeks!  My head's still spinning.  Thanks to the great staff at Dr. Evanson's office!! Now we just have to set the date.  It won't be sooner than December but that's fine with me. Have a great day everyone! 


Jenny K.
on 9/12/07 9:23 pm - IN

Congratulations!  It is such a good feeling to get your approval.   Hopefully you will get your date real soon. Jenny

 Caduceus    Caduceus 

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