Have I forgotten anything?
I am going to a seminar with Dr. Inman on the 24th of this month and I want to be ready. I filled out the information packet that St. Vincent's sent me. Other than that I have my psych eval, 2 years medical records from both my PCP and my cardiologist, a letter of medical neccessity from my PCP, and records of the first 3 months of my medically supervised dieting. (I've only completed 3 of the 6 months so far.) Is there anything else that would be good to include? What do they want to see from you? Also, I have been told from some people that medicare requires a 6 month medically supervised diet but still others say it's not needed. I called medicare and I could tell that the lady I spoke with didn't have the slightest idea what I was talking about. She just read me a paragraph that she found somewhere. When I asked her more questions she couldn't give me any answers. I was hoping all you "been there, done that" OH members could help me fill in anything that I might be missing. Thanks!