Surgery AGAIN!!!!
Good Morning Everyone,
I got the craziest phone call yesterday! I answered the phone to hear the receptionist at my surgeons office ask may I speak with Dawn, i said this is she- she says, I was calling to schedule your surgery date and time- WHAT surgery, I say- she says, for your gall bladder removal- WHAT- this is the same lady that 2 weeks ago told me all looked well and she would refer me back to the surgeon, so I question her on this and she says, well that was my impression, but the Dr. hadn't looked at the results and he has now and he would like it removed! So here I go again, we are suppose to be out of our temporary house on the 28th and my surgery is scheduled for the 25th, so Sherri and I will be surgery date buddies just at different hospitals!!!I have a question though, I have asked and am awaiting a call back from the surgeons office- BUT he said originally he would like to do this laproscopically however I have heard that that is donethrough ones belly button, since I don't have a belly button due to the panniculectomy does anyone know if that is still possible to have done lap, or would I be opened fully? I am hoping not !!!
An update to on my ANGELETTE- Gail Owens is back in the hospital and has been for a few days. She is thought to have a small bowel obstruction, they have done several tests and are awaiting results! She said to tell everyone hello and that she misses you all and thinks of us daily! Please keep her and her family in your thoughts and prayers! This has been a difficult year for her- her 1 year anniversary is next month!
Hope everyone has a great day- hope to see many of you tonight at dinner!
Hugz Dawn
Bless your heart, Darlin'.
Hope all goes well for you. I guess this will keep you from lifting anything during the move!
Maybe they can make you a new belly button when they do the surgery!?!
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
Yep, my DH gets to do the moving. BUT that leaves me for the packing! We are so ready to get back home at this point I don't think either one of us really care as long as we get there! No new belly button for me, the less cuttin the better! LOL!!! I am so done with surgeries!
How are you? Hope all is going well for you and that you are healing wonderfully! Haven't forgotten about ya! Talk to ya soon, Hugz Dawn
They don't HAVE to have a belly button Dawn. My mom had her's removed Laporoscopically and they couldn't use her belly button because of all the scar tissue around it from her other surgeries (Old school c sections... ) so you should be good to go... Hope all goes well... it's a rather easy recovery really
Thanks Jess for the info! That releives me quite a bit! I just don't want any more open surgeries at least not any time soon, especially with the move coming up! hope that you had a wonderful birthday and enjoyed your dinner out with your friend! Ryans was nice. I always enjoy seeing/visiting with everyone! Have a great day! Hugz Dawn
When I had my gall bladder out (2002), they made 4 small incisions (like with my RNY)..only they were on the right side instead of the left side. I don't think any of them were at my bellybutton (???). BTW...I had a drain tube with first, and the longest one yet (but that could be a surgeon's preference not standard practice). Which hospital will you be at?
Never allow someone to be your Priority while allowing yourself to be their Option......
Whenever God Closes One Door He Always Opens Another, Even Though Sometimes It's Hell in the Hallway...
Sorry to hear that you have to have surgery again Dawn, I had gall bladder surgery back in 90 and it was at a hospital where they didnt do lap surgery yet. i had open and have a big scar from it. i didnt have to have any drains but i am glad i didnt cause i was a sick puppy.. i had been sick with it for several months before i could get a Dr. to listen to me.. he kept telling me to watch what i ate and all that stuff.. i had a hard time convincing him that wasnt it.
My ex had the lap and on a thursday and went back to work on monday and my daughter in law just had it done and went back to work right away. it sure makes a big difference.
Sorry to hear about Gail being back in the hospital, bless her heart she sure has had a tough year or so hasnt she. I hope they find the answer soon and get her all healed up.
Where are you having your surgery at?
Take Care,
Hugs, Carla
Thanks for the info Carla! I am having surgery the 25th at 11:00 a.m. have to be there at 9 a.m. and am having it done at Community North with at least a one day overnight and possibly 2, we shall see! I am hoping to be back at work the following monday and well on my way to being back home by then. I am keeping my fingers crossed!
How are you doing with the grandbabies? Hope all is going well and that things are looking up for them! I was in Brown County a few weeks ago, wished I had your number with me but i didn't- I saw the Brownstown sign though and was thinking of ya!
Have a great day! Hugz Dawn
Sorry to hear that you have to have your GB removed. Hopefully that won't hinder any healing processes you have been going thru. I had mine out several years ago, and never felt better afterward. I was glad I did it. Take care, and keep us up to date!
Sorry to hear about Gail also. I hope she is better soon!
At Goal! 165 pounds gone forever! Thank you Lord!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!
You only have one life to live, but if lived right, it's the only one you need!