Damn the luck!
Had my surgery in June. Doing well except for having to do two bouts of steroids for bronchial asthma. (I swear I am allergic to my workplace!) I have been losing moderately, not as fast as some but steadily b/c I walk and really get my proteins in and my water. Anyway, I tripped on my dog this morning and broke my toe/foot. There goes my walking for a while! I am so bummed!
Sounds like me...sorry I am a clutz! 3 months ago I tore a ligament in my knee...I STILL have to use a brace and sometimes a crutch...soooooooo walking is gonna be hard for me...but WE CAN DO IT!!!! Sure walking is the best way....but get some leg exercises to do ...or some tummy crunches...I do them in bed....my physical therapist showed me how...Won't be doing the tummy crunches after surgery though! LOL
Hope the toe/foot gets better soon!
Lord, keep me in your will so I won't be in your way.
"His eye is on the sparrow, and I know he watches me..."