Not able to get monthly weights for insurance
I am not able to get monthly weight checks done at my doctors office (or anywhere else that my doctor knows of in town!) since I weigh A LOT! I have checked with the insurance and they said that the frequency of weight checks is determined by my doctor--but do you guys think that only one weight check (from when I was at St. Vincent's for my consultation) in the six months will be enough??
That is to bad. The unfortunate thing is most Dr. office scales do not read over 300 netiher do the scales at most hospitals. I know at the hospital that I work at, if it is necessary to get a weight they will use the laundry scales. No, I'm not kidding, unfortunatley. It is just another way the obese are discriminated against. Even if you find a scale you have to have someone to document it. Best bet would be to invest in a montly drive to St. V and have them weigh you there.
I had to have supervised weigh ins with doctor and dietician. I had to go once a month. If by chance I missed a month we had to start all over that is why it took me so long to get approved. Insurance is very picky. When I was denied I had to start all over and lose the months I previously had in. Try and find a scales and make sure your insurance approves them weighing you. Good Luck Lisa