Wednesday HUMP DAY!!!
I'm so glad that all is well with you Vicki... that it was nothing that serious, ulcers are still pretty bad but it's nothing really bad. HOpe you start feeling better soon.
Hope everyone has a great wednesday, let's do the humpty, do the humpty hump, do the humpty hump, the humpty dance is your chance to do the hump... WOOHOO

I'm a size 10, and I feel AWESOME!
Hi Jess! Kickboxing sounds like a lot of work and fun. Sounds like you have a great attitude, to do as much as you can and be happy with that. Our house appraisal came back at about 5K above the price we accepted in the counter offer, so the bank should like that! The mortgage guy is getting a packet together and going to overnight it to them today for final underwriting. WooHoo!. Maybe we'll hear something in the beginning of next week.
We got new cell phones yesterday. That was a tribulation. It took forever at the store. I was 30 minutes late getting back from lunch. Mostly because my silly husband wanted a particular one, and they had to call around to see if anyone had it. (No one did.) He's so sweet, but can be particular. I just took a free phone, but he wanted a really nice one. Mine's red, it's pretty. His is platinum. We still have the same numbers, for anyone who has my cell #. That hasn't changed. We just switched carriers. I was tired of crap from Sprint. We went with AT&T/Cingular. They have better coverage in our area too. We could not make or receive calls at our own house in Terre Haute with Sprint. Guess what! This morning I realized a WOW moment. I tried wrapping a regular towel around me, and it fit! Hip Hip Hooray! I don't remember the last time I was able to wrap up in a regular size towel. I was so excited I had a great big grin on my face.
Hi guys & gal pals,
today our daughter & SIL from Minn. are here!!! We go to IRP every yr. together for the National Drag races- on Sunday. So, depending on how I am feeling, we'll either ride together or go seperatly- which us "old timers" have done the past 2 yrs.- 6am. at the gates( doesn't open till 7;30 anyway) just doesn't cut it for us!!
I do plan toi take my lawnchair & take it easy.
I think the inhaler is really helping me breathe alittle better- although holding the meds. in without breathing for 10 seconds makes my lung scream for air. I still have the headache, but hopefully it will go as the pred. kicks in. I am resting & gonna let the girls handle all of the food, cleanup, etc. Momma needs to be pampered girls- SO YOU DO IT! AS PENNY SAID- JUST LIKE THE "OLD DAYS, WHEN YOU WERE TOO "SICK" TO DO IT- AND HAD US! ONLY NOW MOM, YOUR SO HEALTHY IT KILLS YOU TO SEE SOMEONE ELSE DO FOR YOU"- AND SHE IS SO RIGHT!!!
Jess- girl, you are gonna be one lean, mean Roller Derby gal, if you keep this up! Do you use amy liquid protein?? Take some with you, & 1/2 way take a break & drink it- could be you are burning up your protien too fast & thats why you are dizzy,etc. (Of course, it could be all that energy coming out too- you could take it out on your hubby- ha-ha!!!
Gotta get off here & visit with the kids- have a great day everyone, & thanks for all the well wishes & prayers- they do work & mean so much to me. Ya know, it's wonderful to have friends that would offer to be there at a drop of a hat if you need them- to all of you
, (((BIG HUGS!!!)))
Love ya,
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#