Did you make a "what if I die letter" pre-op?
I can eat as much as I want...I just don't want much.
I'm ashamed of what I did for a Klondike bar...
My children (3 daughters) didn't want me to have surgery, so I did write letters to them, my husband & my grandkids, letting them all know one final time how much I loved them & how important it was to have this surgery so that I could have a life with them. (I lost a dear friend who had an open RUNY at Wishard 5 yrs. ago, who had a really bad heart, was a bad risk, & went ahead & got the surgery done even though her Dr. refused to ok it--just pd. for someone else to do it! I still don't understand how or why.) My daughters were so afraid it would happen to me, & would rather have a sick, fat Mom, than none.It was hard to stand up under their pleas, but I knew this was the answer for me.I had taken the time, made the inquires, attended 24 SG. meetings, did all of the research to make sure this was right for me- & it was!!!! Like Jess said- there is a 1% chance- just like getting into a car, going across the street, etc. You have to decide what is best for you~your health, your emotional state your life.I had a wonderful therepist who I worked with, read the letters to, and left them with- they were in envelopes, addressed to be sent ONLY if something happened to me-and gave them back to me at my 6 weeks checkup, and we shred them in her machine together & she cried tears of joy with me!!!! My daughters are thrilled now that I had the surgery- we laugh more, do more, enjoy each others company ,I cana play with the grandkids, aren't "sick~~" leave Grammy alone- she's not feeling well".Oh, life is so good, and I don't regret my decision one iota- it saved my life & gave me a healthy life that I can share with others, & serve God with better! ( I was on 16 meds. before surgery, walking with a cane, & in constant pain~ now I'm on 4 "maintinance" meds. for thyroid, arthritis, allergies and trigiminal neuralga.) Do what YOU feel is best for yourself, it is so rewarding!!! (((hugs))) Ellen
starting wgt. 271#/178/ goal-155#


I DID write letters to my loved ones. It can't hurt. You might have enough courage to say things to them that you normally wouldn't. (hopefully good things ) I personally took the opportunity to express my love for them. IF something would happen, even though I didn't anticipate it, I wanted my kids to "have in writing" the love I feel for them so they know, in my own hand, that they are the most important thing and that I wanted to do everything I could to be around for them, even taking a risk to do so. Not to say that I didn't verbally tell them. But, just another way of expressing it. I wrote letters to my Husband, kids and parents. All individual letters. Needless to say when I wrote the letters I sobbed like a baby. It was a very emotional process.
Happily everything went well for me. However, it the event that it didn't, I know I had my final expression of love to my family. To again let them know that it was not a sudden decision and I did it for me and the love for them.
There is no right or wrong answer on whether you should write a letter(s) or not. Do what is in your heart.
Best Wishes
This is a day that the Lord has made....let's rejoice and be glad in it!