complete multivitamins-gummies
hey there well i looked at cvs theres was not complete well today i was in dollar general i found theses they are sesame street complete multivatamin gummies they were 3.00 for 30 of them im trying to get a hold of a dietician to check if i can take them because i cant chew the flinstones due to false teeth and they take 4 ever to disolve sucking on tem~~~~~~~but yes these do say COMPLETE---but has 4g sugar so i donno?????????what do u think
St V's says no to the gummys. I dont know where u went but if it has sugar in it I would avoid it.
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are u feeling any better? i read about all the problems u encountered? im not to emotional stable im hopeing everyones right after a month it will get better ! just eating the same stuff is blaghhhh ive not been real hungry though~ i was in alot of pain after wards but its finally eased up im actually moving around sooo much better now i got 4 kids so i got to be super mom lol the pain was because my bowels went to zzzz they woke them up lol im feeling better im glad too~~~`well anyhow so they said no huh? that suxs i cant eat flinstones i got upper dentures and none on the bottom so i cant chew a vitamin and they dont do well sucking on any suggestions???