The equipment is working great, but the pain from the staples and the incisions are killing me. I must say that today is a little bit better than yesterday. I get the staples taken out next Wednesday. Like I told Ann no back pain like I use to have, just surgical healing pains. They implanted that transmitter into the upper part of my left hip and that is where the largest incision is and then another one about half way up my spine. They put two leads in to cover both legs as well as the back. I cannot life over 5 lbs, bend down, or get things down from shelves. Also after 6 to 8 weeks I will be able to get back to my pool exercises. Wednesday when they take the staples out they will show me how to charge up the transmitter from outside my body. I have a super powerful magnet that I put over where the transmitter is implanted to turn it on or off.
I also have a circular wand that is hooked up to a device that is used to set the stimulation power, etc. I can see why this cost $50,000.00 to put in, especially with all the high level of electronic equipment.
I am glad it is in now and looking forward to more active life.
Bionic Dan 

I am so happy that you are home and on the healing end of things! I vow that you and I should be allowed a surgery buddies dance, maybe at the next exchange. LOL!
I hope that this is what it takes to keep you pain free and able to enjoy the new you! Thanks so much for all of the support that you and Ann have shared with me over the last few weeks, it is greatly appreciated! Love ya- we shall be surgery pain free- SOON! Hugz Dawn