Help, I can't stop throwing up
It does sound like a stricture. A stricture is when the connection between your pouch and intestines (the stoma) gets too small for food to pass through. Normally, the stoma is 12-15 mm. Mine has been as small as 1mm but has given be problems as large as 8-9 mm.
The procedure to correct this is an endoscopy, also called an endo or scope. They'll give you a wonderful concoction to put you in la-la land state. Then they will put a tube down your throat that has a tiny camera and a balloon. They will use the balloon to dialate the stoma back open. The camera allows the surgeon to check for ulcers or any other problems as well as strictures. The procedure itself takes about 15 minutes but you will be at the hospital for a few hours and no driving for that day.
Usually, if you have to have an endo and do have a stricture (~20% of post-ops), the surgeon will schedule 1 or 2 more to ensure that the stoma stays open. RARELY, you may need more. I, personally have had 15....but that is not a common occurance.
The worse thing about the endo really is the IV. Not that the IV is isn't as long as you don't wait until you are's just that the whole procedure isn't bad at all.
Do call your surgeon so you can start feeling better. In the meantime, try to drink some Swanson chicken broth so you can get some protein in. Drink fluids as much as possible.
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