Friday Surgery
Well the day is almost here. Friday at 8:00 a.m. is surgery time. We are heading for Carmel tonight and staying overnight since we have quite a drive. No nerves yet. Feel very comfortable about my decision. Every one has been very supportive at work and a group of friends came over last night to pray for me so it has been a good experience up to this point.
Kimberly L. -- hope to see you in the hallway this weekend. Hope your cold is cleared and you are OK to go. See ya there!
Hey Peg! I'm ready to go too! I am getting a little nervous though. Cold is MUCH better today, so no worries there. I'll see you in the hallway!! 10:00AM for me, but I'll be there by 7:30. I probably should've stayed the night myself, but I'll just get up super early for the hour drive.
Good luck!!