nausea and vomitting 1 week after surgery
Help, I am visiting with my mom, she had surgery 1 week ago yesterday. Today she is nauseated and vomitting. She is spitting up clear liquid that is somwhat snot like, sorry for the discription but being a mom of 2 kids theres no other way I know to describe it. anyone have any suggestions to make my mom feel better and relive the nausea? she has had some slim fast, yogurt, egg salad and sips of water today. She only had 4 oz of slim fast, 4oz of yogurt and 2 oz egg salad. she has been sick since the yogurt early this afternoon.
any suggestion appreciated.
I really dont have alot help for your mom but I was wondering if it was regular slim fast she was drinking or a Low Carb one. The Reg has way to much sugar in it and can cause dumping. That being said she could be like many others in here and be lactose intolerant for a few months. I never really had any problems but I would just suggest call the Dr thats on call tonight (thats why they make the big money) and let them know whats going on with your mom. There are probably several different reason that could cause this and who better than the surgeon to diagnois/fix the problem.
She's only one week out and eating egg salad? So many people were having scrambled eggs get hung up on the stoma that St. V's took that off their allowable list for the first 4 weeks. Not knowing where your mom had surgery, I have no idea what her surgeon told her to do...but I wouldn't sway far off what St. V's recommends. Here's a link to what they tell their patients for the first 4 weeks:
In the meantime, have your mom drink a little bit of DECAF hot tea with some meat tenderizer dissolved in it. It sounds to me that a piece of the egg is hung up. That will cause the vomitting. I would be careful with the slim fast and the yogurt both that they are sugar-free. Also, be sure that the yogust doesn't have any chunks of fruit. Fruit is something else to avoid this early out. Fruit can also get hung up of the stoma. Meat tenderizer is great at dissolving protein so will help if it's the egg. Other than the hot tea, she should probably stick to all liquids for 24 hours. Swanson has some chicken broth that isn't bad.
Please, keep us informed and let your mom know we care. In case you haven't guessed, me & my stoma have a history with this kind of thing. She will get through this.
Again I would definitely suggest calling the dr but I attempted to drink Slim fast about 3 weeks out of surgery and it made me VERY VERY sick... even the low carb... i had the same type of discharge but instead of throwing it up it was coming out the other end... snot coming out your butt isn't a good feeling... Have her stay away from it for a while... but definitely call the dr.