Hello Everyone-
Just wanted to pop in a minute and say THANK YOU!!!!
We are hanging in there and getting through day by day, but they are passing LOL!!!
I want to say a GREAT BIG THANK YOU to SHERRI & BILL for EVERYTHING that they have done so far! I appreciate it more tha you can possibly know_ and the laptop, well I was having withdrawls from OH!!!!
Hopefully we will be in our temporary home Fri or Mon, they have said it would be before Tuesday morning when I am to report to the hospital!
The insurance company seems to be riight on top of trying to get us through this and resolving our concerns-said we should be back in our home in 4-6 months! I will be ready, but know that it takes time . I am so grateful to ALL of you that has helped in any manner, although I was not prepared for this and never wish to have to go through this again ever- I am so Thankful that I have found such a supportive group of FRIENDS & FAMILY!!!!
My husband I believe is just dumbfounded and shocked out the outpouring of help from all of you- he now knows and understands why OH & Hoosier Losers are so addictive!!!
It is very late, I am exhausted, need to be asleep, BUT- I had to get on for a bit and let you all know myself how appreciative that my family and I are of all of the support and thoughts/prayers!
I will post again as soon as I can!!!