Let's make sure we up our prayer time for Jennie and Tom. Here is message I just received from Tom.
Dear friends and family,
Although they thought the new procedure would work, unfortunately, the surgeon was unable to accomplish her objectives in my dear Jennie's surgery yesterday. She was not able to negotiate her way through all the loops in the bowel with the apparatus used to insert the stent. The surgeon is now contemplating other options to close the fistulas in Jennie's bowel.
Thank you and God bless you all for continuing daily to lift my dear Jennie up in prayer.
Have a blessed day,
Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
--James 1:12
My prayers and heart go out to them. I know they must be so dissapointed, but their faith will pull them thru.I will keep them in my thoughts and am praying they get the answers they need to start her healing process.
God is our refuge and strength, an ever present help, in all trouble.
1 Thess.1:2
Dan, I am so sorry that Jennie's surgery was not successful. I met Tom and Jennie when I went for my 4 month check-up on April 16. What a sweet Christian couple!! Any time anyone has the opportunity to stop at St. V's for a visit, I know Jennie would enjoy it. She said that visitors have gotten a little sparse since she has been in the hospital for so long. I will continue to pray that her doctor comes up with some new plans. Thanks for the update. Karen PS. I am planning to come on Sat. with my daughter and granddaughter. I am looking forward to meeting you and Ann.