Good morning all...
Know how I was planning a busy day at work today? Well....I'll be relaxing over a puzzle book instead waiting for my number to be called for jury duty. I really was hoping my group's number would be included this week and it was! I find this stuff interesting. Watch...I'll either be eliminated because I have this case against my sister or the defence won't want me because I'm a lab technician and all they'll think is 'CSI' (close, but I don't work with any DNA...lol).
Anyway, you all have a terrific day today!
Oh good luck getting called. I think it would be interesting to be on a jury too. I had to go in one time, but didn't get selected. It was for an auto accident case, and when the lead attorney found out I had caused two accidents, they dismissed me! I guess they figured I'd be sympathetic to the defendant.
I have to get in to see my doctor today, or atleast talk to her. I have bipolar, and it's acting up. I wonder if my meds are absorbing differently now that I've had surgery. I don't know.
Linda Vicory
Oh Sherri, Good luck. The last time I went I was next to be called when they filled the jury. I sat there all day listening to them questioning jurors and then got sent home.
Today I am going to the ground-breaking for the new interchange on I-74 near Brownsburg. It will be my first venture out of the office in my new job. Who knows, maybe I'll end up on the news tonight.
I hope to find the time to post to my profile today. It has been a while and I have a couple of "issues" that I need to write down just to get them out of my head.
Take care everyone! I'm outta here...

One more item...Tonight is the Hendricks County Professional Business Womens Association's Fashion Show to raise money for scholarships. I am going to be a model! I was a model two years ago to showcase the "Women's" sizes. What a hoot it was to go in for my fitting and try on all those size 10's this time.
Hope you get selected Sherri! I will be ploping Gwyn into her bouncer on the front porch today while I get (hopefully) my flowers I bought Sunday planted. Chris to me to Meijers last night to get dirt so I can get to planting. I'm hoping my brother will come over and mow my lawn today. The lawn mower is way out of my ten pound limit. Other than that, I'll be washing bottles, and doing laundry. Tis is the best job I've ever had- and honestly probably the hardest!
I've been pemanatly removed from the jury roster list in our county. My husband is Chief probation officer and my SIL is an attorney. Since it is a small county (pop wise) I know most of the attonrneys. I was called twice, sat there all day just to be disqualified. (They think I have access to to much info thru court sources) I just told them that they would never select me for a jury so why waste my time, take me off the list. Too bad because I think it would be interesting and I could be fair minded. Hppe you get the chance to do it Sherri.
Hmmm...think your sil would help out a friend and drive to Indy on May 30th? I know I'm in the right with all this with my sister and have proof of it, but I hate small enclosed, packed places...and to have to speak in one??? I really need someone to be my mouthpiece! But for small claims...??? There were about a dozen attorney's there but they probably represented businesses, not 'people'.
I was selected! Woo-hoo! I am officially 'Jurer #1'! Of course I can't talk about it at all but I find all of this so interesting! Hey Kylie...the judge was talking about the time that HE got a jury summons and how interesting it was so...you never know, you could indeed get called & selected!